Destiny 2 Tracker Network


Join Date 10/10/2014
Reputation 57
Posts 8
Credits 6
Post/Credit Ratio 0.75
Destiny Tracker Stats
Fatal Pesky StayMadMyFriend
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Hi Im Swat CodcasterYT IcedCaramelCream Vek
Subject Body Snippet Date
Awesome Skirmish Crucible Setup! (Opinion) (Hunter) I have been playing around with so so many combinations in the crucible to find one thats fun, power
Ancient weapons class! (Idea) Destiny is a game in the future. Thus we have futuristic looking, and acting guns. However there is
Re: What's the Story Behind Your Gamertag/Username? Some guy on Xbox had it.. And I thought it was hilarious. "StayMadMyFriend" has been my PSN since th
New Game Modes (Crucible) There are a few game modes missing in the crucuble, old classics like SnD or CTF, but also more "fun
Re: Ban the person above! (Forum game) I ban the person above for starting this game! (Yes i broke the only rule ;) )
Ban the person above! (Forum game) Hey Guys, I am starting this simply but very entertaining forum game. There really isn't much too
Re: Mobile Games My personal favourite is currently ClashOfClans ,it is a strategy game, and all about building your
Mobile Games This thread is for you to share your favourite mobile games, iOS, android ect. Try to include where

Total Reputation: 57

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