Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Human Hunter


Awoken Hunter


Human Warlock


All Characters

Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
June 18, 2017
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 200 0 4 200.00 - 1h 11m
Patrol Venus - 46 0 5 46.00 - 7m 0s
June 17, 2017
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 236 0 8 236.00 - 31m 0s
Patrol Venus - 93 0 2 93.00 - 12m 30s
Patrol the Moon - 148 0 0 148.00 - 29m 30s
Patrol Venus - 149 0 7 149.00 - 26m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 51 0 1 51.00 - 6m 0s
Enemy of My Enemy - 42 0 0 42.00 - 6m 30s
Enemy of My Enemy - 48 0 0 48.00 - 6m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 27 0 0 27.00 - 5m 29s
Patrol Mars - 166 0 6 166.00 - 27m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 246 0 16 246.00 - 39m 30s
June 16, 2017
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 239 0 7 239.00 - 38m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 179 0 11 179.00 - 54m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 0 0 0 0.00 - 1m 30s
June 15, 2017
Patrol Mars - 74 0 1 74.00 - 16m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 258 0 4 258.00 - 33m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 101 0 1 101.00 - 12m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 100 0 0 100.00 - 8m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 91 0 3 91.00 - 17m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 316 0 6 316.00 - 51m 30s
June 13, 2017
Patrol the Plaguelands - 102 0 14 102.00 - 21m 0s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 200 0 0 200.00 - 26m 0s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 104 0 2 104.00 - 17m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 61 0 1 61.00 - 10m 0s
Patrol Venus - 164 0 5 164.00 - 17m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 185 0 7 185.00 - 29m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 126 0 3 126.00 - 28m 0s
Patrol Mars - 124 0 1 124.00 - 31m 0s
Patrol the Moon - 199 0 5 199.00 - 35m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 124 0 2 124.00 - 16m 0s
Bad Blood - 145 0 0 145.00 - 13m 23s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 35 0 10 35.00 - 7m 29s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 24 0 0 24.00 - 4m 0s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 176 0 2 176.00 - 33m 59s
June 12, 2017
Patrol the Plaguelands - 111 0 9 111.00 - 48m 0s
The Iron Tomb - 50 0 11 50.00 - 19m 41s
Enemy of My Enemy - 43 0 0 43.00 - 6m 0s
Patrol Venus - 158 0 2 158.00 - 26m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 463 0 6 463.00 - 55m 59s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 77 0 19 77.00 - 24m 30s
Download Complete - 22 0 11 22.00 - 5m 52s
The Plaguelands - 23 0 1 23.00 - 7m 36s
The Walls Come Down - 30 0 17 30.00 - 7m 17s
King of the Mountain - 19 0 6 19.00 - 7m 31s
Enemy of My Enemy - 32 0 0 32.00 - 3m 29s
Enemy of My Enemy - 35 0 0 35.00 - 5m 0s
Patrol Venus - 255 0 5 255.00 - 30m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 290 0 10 290.00 - 37m 0s
[PM] The Anomaly 0 0 0 0 0.00 Victory 1m 30s