Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Exo Hunter


Exo Warlock


Exo Hunter


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Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
January 14, 2015
The Dark Beyond - 2168 275 0 7.88 - 2h 32m
Weekly Heroic Strike 0 81 6 39 13.50 - 28m 3s
Weekly Nightfall Strike 0 87 7 17 12.43 - 17m 12s
Weekly Nightfall Strike 0 67 11 20 6.09 - 21m 21s
Patrol Mars - 7 0 0 7.00 - 3m 14s
Patrol Mars - 0 0 0 0.00 - 0m 43s
Crota's End - 237 19 120 12.47 - 1h 15m
January 13, 2015
Crota's End - 133 21 41 6.33 - 1h 52m
Patrol Mars - 101 0 9 101.00 - 25m 54s
Crota's End - 72 8 15 9.00 - 1h 33m
The Will of Crota 0 0 0 0 0.00 - 1m 42s
January 12, 2015
Shores of Time 3,265 18 8 1 2.25 Victory 10m 49s
The Cauldron 4,475 23 13 9 1.77 Defeat 9m 29s
Pantheon 1,355 7 14 3 0.50 Defeat 8m 57s
Patrol Mars - 14 0 0 14.00 - 2m 10s
Patrol Cosmodrome - 68 0 0 68.00 - 9m 35s
The Last Array - 158 1 0 158.00 - 11m 53s
January 7, 2015
The Last Array - 109 0 1 109.00 - 29m 46s
Patrol Mars - 20 0 0 20.00 - 7m 0s
The Burning Shrine 0 0 0 0 0.00 Victory 6m 9s
A Guardian Rises - 0 0 0 0.00 - 2m 29s
Weekly Heroic Strike 0 0 0 0 0.00 - 6m 10s
Patrol Mars - 0 0 0 0.00 - 5m 6s
Weekly Nightfall Strike 0 0 0 0 0.00 - 5m 1s
Weekly Nightfall Strike 0 0 0 0 0.00 - 5m 40s
Restoration - 0 0 0 0.00 - 0m 5s
The Archive - 0 0 0 0.00 - 4m 0s
The Buried City - 0 0 0 0.00 - 3m 44s
Crota's End - 6 0 4 6.00 - 8m 31s
Patrol the Moon - 0 0 0 0.00 - 15m 11s
Crota's End - 13 2 3 6.50 - 9m 3s
Crota's End - 0 1 0 0.00 - 7m 30s
Crota's End - 6 25 0 0.24 - 18m 24s
Crota's End - 0 0 0 0.00 - 35m 9s
January 6, 2015
Weekly Nightfall Strike 0 37 9 21 4.11 - 35m 8s
Weekly Nightfall Strike 0 5 1 0 5.00 - 4m 28s
January 3, 2015
The Dark Beyond - 2001 345 0 5.80 - 3h 8m
The Dark Beyond - 394 64 0 6.16 - 40m 46s
The Dark Beyond - 850 167 0 5.09 - 1h 42m
Rusted Lands 4,150 24 18 4 1.33 Defeat 11m 2s
Shores of Time 3,740 21 12 4 1.75 Victory 11m 25s
Patrol the Moon - 225 3 9 75.00 - 39m 31s
Winter's Run 0 0 0 0 0.00 - 18m 47s
Winter's Run 0 0 0 0 0.00 - 13m 48s
Dust Palace 0 10 0 2 10.00 - 16m 40s
The Devils' Lair 0 21 0 0 21.00 - 24m 28s
Dust Palace 0 5 0 3 5.00 - 14m 50s
Dust Palace 0 14 4 0 3.50 - 18m 25s
Blind Watch 2,935 14 15 4 0.93 Victory 10m 41s
Rusted Lands 2,420 14 10 1 1.40 Defeat 10m 17s