Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Exo Titan


Human Warlock


Awoken Hunter


All Characters

5d 6h 4m Time Played
40 5535
Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
July 17, 2016
Patrol Venus - 276 0 13 276.00 - 27m 1s
Siege of the Warmind - 258 5 0 51.60 - 13m 30s
July 12, 2016
The Black Garden - 12 0 0 12.00 - 3m 59s
The Black Garden - 10 0 0 10.00 - 4m 0s
Patrol Venus - 278 0 8 278.00 - 31m 30s
Prison of Elders - 176 1 12 176.00 - 25m 17s
Patrol Mars - 40 0 0 40.00 - 4m 0s
Siege of the Warmind - 118 2 0 59.00 - 7m 0s
Siege of the Warmind - 43 1 0 43.00 - 3m 0s
July 11, 2016
Patrol Venus - 126 2 4 63.00 - 15m 31s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 35 0 4 35.00 - 7m 30s
Patrol Mars - 115 0 7 115.00 - 27m 33s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 283 0 28 283.00 - 45m 29s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 234 0 13 234.00 - 27m 0s
Patrol Mars - 186 0 5 186.00 - 26m 1s
July 10, 2016
Patrol Mars - 56 0 4 56.00 - 7m 30s
Patrol Venus - 49 0 0 49.00 - 4m 30s
Siege of the Warmind - 184 3 0 61.33 - 8m 30s
July 9, 2016
A Rising Tide - 137 0 1 137.00 - 11m 22s
Patrol Venus - 107 0 2 107.00 - 13m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 114 0 1 114.00 - 12m 30s
Patrol Venus - 268 1 18 268.00 - 34m 30s
The Sword of Crota - 70 0 0 70.00 - 5m 0s
Blighted Coven - 128 1 0 128.00 - 8m 11s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 47 0 0 47.00 - 4m 29s
July 7, 2016
Patrol Mars - 75 0 0 75.00 - 8m 0s
Patrol Venus - 147 0 7 147.00 - 12m 30s
Prison of Elders - 141 0 10 141.00 - 20m 4s
Siege of the Warmind - 229 5 0 45.80 - 16m 30s
Patrol the Moon - 32 0 1 32.00 - 5m 0s
Blighted Coven - 19 0 0 19.00 - 2m 0s
Blighted Coven - 98 0 0 98.00 - 6m 8s
Siege of the Warmind - 140 2 0 70.00 - 8m 30s
July 6, 2016
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 28 0 1 28.00 - 4m 30s
Challenge of the Elders 18,735 127 0 20 127.00 - 19m 9s
Challenge of the Elders 18,095 134 0 18 134.00 - 19m 14s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 0 0 0 0.00 - 5m 59s
Bannerfall 18,750 12 13 10 0.92 Victory 8m 14s
Vertigo 14,300 10 13 4 0.77 Defeat 7m 38s
July 5, 2016
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 79 0 0 79.00 - 7m 0s
Patrol Venus - 58 0 3 58.00 - 9m 30s
Blighted Coven - 152 1 0 152.00 - 9m 38s
Frontier 1,580 13 9 1 1.44 Victory 10m 16s
July 4, 2016
Vertigo 2,035 17 3 1 5.67 Victory 9m 3s
Rusted Lands 1,965 14 11 8 1.27 Victory 12m 40s
Firebase Delphi 1,660 9 11 11 0.82 Defeat 9m 15s
Vertigo 1,215 8 7 7 1.14 Victory 8m 37s
Pantheon 2,245 17 12 6 1.42 Defeat 9m 50s
Twilight Gap 2,010 17 8 2 2.13 Defeat 9m 56s
Widow's Court 2,535 20 9 3 2.22 Defeat 10m 8s