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Human Titan


Exo Warlock


Awoken Hunter


All Characters

12d 16h 18m Time Played
40 4320
Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
April 14, 2017
Thieves' Den 3,655 17 18 13 0.94 Defeat 11m 28s
Rusted Lands 1,005 4 4 4 1.00 Defeat 13m 19s
Thieves' Den 2,985 14 16 9 0.88 Defeat 10m 49s
The Cauldron 2,955 13 16 3 0.81 Defeat 9m 47s
Exodus Blue 1,175 7 11 2 0.64 Defeat 9m 32s
King's Fall - 223 10 78 22.30 - 1h 12m
Icarus 3,500 15 11 12 1.36 Victory 9m 55s
Vertigo 2,050 7 16 9 0.44 Defeat 11m 50s
Vertigo 2,695 15 17 1 0.88 Victory 11m 2s
April 13, 2017
Lost to Light - 65 1 24 65.00 - 15m 11s
Lost to Light - 11 0 3 11.00 - 8m 0s
Lost to Light - 18 1 5 18.00 - 10m 0s
Icarus 3,770 17 18 6 0.94 Victory 11m 12s
The Dungeons 3,310 12 10 12 1.20 Victory 9m 26s
The Burning Shrine 2,975 12 17 11 0.71 Victory 9m 22s
Twilight Gap 3,380 13 17 11 0.76 Defeat 11m 19s
The Drifter 2,215 12 15 5 0.80 Defeat 8m 42s
Thieves' Den 1,425 7 13 3 0.54 Defeat 11m 0s
Pantheon 0 0 0 1 0.00 Defeat 8m 29s
Floating Gardens 2,525 12 16 5 0.75 Defeat 11m 38s
Firebase Delphi 2,595 9 13 14 0.69 Victory 10m 5s
Twilight Gap 2,290 9 11 7 0.82 Defeat 12m 19s
Floating Gardens 1,790 8 14 9 0.57 Defeat 11m 21s
Rusted Lands 2,340 9 11 4 0.82 Victory 10m 45s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 30 2 2 15.00 - 9m 0s
A Khvostov Rising - 150 1 0 150.00 - 20m 49s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 185 3 21 61.67 - 1h 2m
Patrol Mars - 54 0 6 54.00 - 10m 29s
The Abomination Heist 14,825 45 7 18 6.43 - 20m 20s
The Abomination Heist 0 0 0 0 0.00 - 1m 30s
[PM] Bannerfall 11,250 10 8 0 1.25 Victory 6m 35s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 53 0 8 53.00 - 26m 59s
Patrol Venus - 64 0 3 64.00 - 12m 0s
Patrol the Moon - 46 0 8 46.00 - 9m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 15 0 0 15.00 - 7m 0s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 63 3 1 21.00 - 15m 0s
The Dreadnaught - 0 0 0 0.00 - 2m 30s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 0 0 0 0.00 - 1m 30s
Beauty in Delivery - 351 3 0 117.00 - 19m 42s
The Walls Come Down - 12 0 0 12.00 - 6m 0s
Sepiks Perfected 0 2 0 0 2.00 - 3m 0s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 0 0 0 0.00 - 3m 59s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 10 0 0 10.00 - 9m 0s
A Symbol of Honor - 254 2 0 127.00 - 14m 24s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 100 0 0 100.00 - 23m 0s
Sepiks Perfected 0 202 0 0 202.00 - 20m 57s
The Wretched Eye 0 196 3 0 65.33 - 25m 21s
The First Firewall - 47 0 0 47.00 - 7m 46s
Wolves' Gambit - 27 5 6 5.40 - 11m 25s
Winter's Run 18,300 35 2 17 17.50 - 13m 45s