Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Awoken Hunter


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Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
October 25, 2014
Shores of Time 4,765 23 10 4 2.30 Defeat 10m 46s
Exclusion Zone - 37 0 2 37.00 - 11m 1s
The Summoning Pits 0 39 3 31 13.00 - 20m 51s
The Summoning Pits 0 52 17 33 3.06 - 33m 24s
Vault of Glass - 322 39 99 8.26 - 2h 36m
October 24, 2014
Twilight Gap 2,225 19 4 1 4.75 Victory 9m 49s
Exodus Blue 1,990 16 7 3 2.29 Victory 9m 36s
Asylum 1,790 15 6 1 2.50 Victory 8m 50s
The Summoning Pits 0 32 7 12 4.57 - 9m 41s
Shrine of Oryx - 40 2 5 20.00 - 10m 16s
The Burning Shrine 1,420 10 3 6 3.33 Victory 13m 4s
Rusted Lands 1,930 17 3 0 5.67 Victory 13m 7s
The Anomaly 2,300 18 12 3 1.50 Defeat 11m 6s
Asylum 2,165 19 5 1 3.80 Victory 8m 41s
Shores of Time 1,485 12 2 2 6.00 Victory 9m 21s
Rusted Lands 2,455 19 9 5 2.11 Victory 10m 30s
First Light 4,285 19 7 1 2.71 Victory 12m 1s
Shores of Time 4,015 20 10 1 2.00 Defeat 11m 6s
October 23, 2014
Firebase Delphi 2,140 17 4 4 4.25 Victory 11m 41s
Firebase Delphi 1,845 14 10 4 1.40 Victory 13m 7s
Exodus Blue 1,810 14 14 4 1.00 Victory 7m 58s
Rusted Lands 2,475 18 10 9 1.80 Victory 10m 36s
Rusted Lands 1,665 12 2 7 6.00 Victory 7m 33s
Blind Watch 1,125 8 5 5 1.60 Victory 13m 6s
Twilight Gap 1,795 14 2 4 7.00 Victory 13m 16s
Firebase Delphi 2,460 20 4 3 5.00 Victory 10m 40s
The Burning Shrine 2,000 16 8 5 2.00 Victory 9m 31s
Asylum 2,800 22 10 2 2.20 Victory 9m 46s
Firebase Delphi 1,400 11 13 3 0.85 Defeat 9m 29s
Rusted Lands 3,330 19 15 0 1.27 Defeat 9m 14s
Twilight Gap 3,370 18 15 1 1.20 Defeat 9m 27s
Twilight Gap 2,785 14 16 3 0.88 Defeat 9m 29s
Exodus Blue 3,080 14 8 4 1.75 Defeat 8m 10s
Exodus Blue 5,905 26 10 3 2.60 Victory 8m 9s
Rusted Lands 2,810 11 11 4 1.00 Defeat 10m 37s
The Summoning Pits 0 53 0 16 53.00 - 18m 5s
October 22, 2014
Exodus Blue 1,900 15 12 0 1.25 2nd 8m 12s
Shores of Time 2,420 19 11 3 1.73 Victory 12m 16s
Shores of Time 2,060 15 6 5 2.50 Defeat 8m 19s
Exodus Blue 2,710 23 9 3 2.56 Victory 9m 2s
Rusted Lands 2,470 20 3 1 6.67 Victory 10m 55s
Chamber of Night - 78 2 3 39.00 - 19m 21s
Blind Watch 1,730 13 7 2 1.86 Victory 9m 30s
Rusted Lands 2,540 21 11 3 1.91 Defeat 9m 43s
Rusted Lands 1,405 11 4 2 2.75 Victory 10m 19s
The Summoning Pits 0 66 5 23 13.20 - 26m 17s
The Summoning Pits 0 0 1 0 0.00 - 2m 44s
The Summoning Pits 0 13 3 1 4.33 - 4m 10s
October 21, 2014
A Stranger's Call - 52 1 3 52.00 - 12m 16s
The Devils' Lair 0 124 8 13 15.50 - 40m 39s