Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Awoken Titan


Awoken Warlock


Exo Hunter


All Characters

Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
September 12, 2023
Challenge of the Elders 24,275 149 2 14 74.50 - 20m 26s
September 11, 2023
Shield Brothers 34,000 109 1 12 109.00 - 17m 46s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 119 1 7 119.00 - 23m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 187 0 3 187.00 - 26m 30s
September 8, 2023
Wrath of the Machine - 109 5 33 21.80 - 2h 30m
September 7, 2023
Wrath of the Machine - 484 24 64 20.17 - 2h 11m
Vault of Glass - 386 19 80 20.32 - 1h 44m
Crota's End - 199 9 72 22.11 - 1h 6m
Shield Brothers 29,275 66 0 11 66.00 - 11m 30s
September 6, 2023
Patrol the Plaguelands - 60 1 10 60.00 - 27m 0s
Shield Brothers 31,125 65 1 14 65.00 - 11m 8s
September 5, 2023
Patrol the Plaguelands - 319 5 69 63.80 - 3h 13m
Patrol the Plaguelands - 319 5 69 63.80 - 3h 22m
The Archive - 88 1 9 88.00 - 14m 21s
Patrol Mars - 17 0 9 17.00 - 16m 29s
Patrol Mars - 2 0 0 2.00 - 14m 0s
Patrol the Moon - 13 0 4 13.00 - 18m 30s
Shield Brothers 5,525 61 3 0 20.33 - 9m 30s
Shield Brothers 5,925 67 5 0 13.40 - 9m 0s
Siege of the Warmind - 198 9 0 22.00 - 12m 30s
Shield Brothers 28,175 76 2 7 38.00 - 13m 51s
Shield Brothers 35,200 84 3 13 28.00 - 13m 23s
Shield Brothers 14,800 15 3 3 5.00 - 11m 47s
Siege of the Warmind - 89 2 0 44.50 - 4m 30s
Challenge of the Elders 0 99 2 0 49.50 - 13m 0s
September 4, 2023
Wrath of the Machine - 80 2 2 40.00 - 4h 17m
August 31, 2023
Wrath of the Machine - 0 2 0 0.00 - 6m 30s
Wrath of the Machine - 16 1 3 16.00 - 12m 8s
Wrath of the Machine - 0 1 0 0.00 - 12m 8s
August 30, 2023
Wrath of the Machine - 695 29 16 23.97 - 2h 5m
August 29, 2023
Wrath of the Machine - 763 30 72 25.43 - 2h 50m
The Dark Within - 69 1 0 69.00 - 6m 46s
Dust Palace 24,300 65 0 21 65.00 - 13m 41s
Dust Palace 22,200 106 1 22 106.00 - 12m 55s
Dust Palace 21,450 70 0 22 70.00 - 10m 9s
Dust Palace 14,925 57 2 23 28.50 - 12m 13s
Dust Palace 0 0 0 0 0.00 - 0m 30s
Vault of Glass - 351 31 73 11.32 - 2h 3m
August 28, 2023
The Timekeeper 24,950 21 14 2 1.50 2nd 7m 41s
The Dungeons 20,350 19 13 2 1.46 2nd 8m 12s
Blind Watch 18,150 16 14 3 1.14 4th 7m 58s
Crossroads 19,300 17 14 2 1.21 3rd 8m 6s
Exodus Blue 22,300 20 13 5 1.54 3rd 7m 21s
The Drifter 7,650 6 8 2 0.75 3rd 4m 20s
Black Shield 6,200 5 15 4 0.33 4th 6m 25s
The Drifter 12,650 10 15 3 0.67 3rd 5m 52s
Blind Watch 23,050 20 13 3 1.54 2nd 8m 4s
Vertigo 13,450 12 14 1 0.86 4th 6m 14s
The Timekeeper 14,650 12 13 2 0.92 5th 7m 36s
August 27, 2023
Vertigo 10,600 11 13 0 0.85 4th 8m 5s