Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Human Titan


Awoken Hunter


Human Warlock


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Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
July 2, 2017
Pantheon 1,490 11 1 5 11.00 Victory 6m 23s
Floating Gardens 835 5 3 2 1.67 Victory 5m 2s
Bannerfall 2,005 16 6 0 2.67 Victory 9m 49s
Cathedral of Dusk 1,440 12 3 2 4.00 Victory 6m 24s
June 19, 2017
Frontier 905 6 2 4 3.00 Victory 5m 2s
Cathedral of Dusk 1,410 12 6 4 2.00 Victory 7m 17s
March 18, 2017
Skyline 4,540 18 7 8 2.57 Victory 12m 4s
Cathedral of Dusk 3,140 22 3 7 7.33 Victory 12m 44s
June 27, 2016
Frontier 4,065 28 2 8 14.00 Victory 12m 29s
June 10, 2016
Black Shield 3,000 20 9 6 2.22 Victory 11m 36s
January 14, 2016
Black Shield 3,295 10 5 1 2.00 Victory 10m 3s
January 8, 2016
Memento 1,760 10 11 6 0.91 Defeat 10m 47s