Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Human Titan


Awoken Warlock


Exo Hunter


All Characters

8h 17m Time Played
40 4375
Activity Score K D A K/D Duration
August 11, 2016
Patrol Venus - 266 0 1 266.00 1h 0m
Patrol Mars - 29 0 0 29.00 12m 30s
August 9, 2016
Patrol Mars - 200 2 17 100.00 1h 7m
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 245 0 3 245.00 57m 30s
August 8, 2016
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 358 3 16 119.33 1h 25m
August 6, 2016
Patrol the Moon - 186 1 0 186.00 37m 29s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 189 1 2 189.00 52m 59s
August 5, 2016
Patrol Mars - 232 1 3 232.00 1h 13m
July 31, 2016
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 103 2 1 51.50 28m 0s
July 26, 2016
Patrol Mars - 150 0 6 150.00 36m 32s
July 20, 2016
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 195 0 5 195.00 46m 30s
Patrol Mars - 307 0 3 307.00 1h 18m
Patrol Venus - 235 0 1 235.00 52m 30s
July 12, 2016
Patrol Venus - 40 0 0 40.00 7m 0s
Patrol Mars - 453 0 10 453.00 2h 0m
July 10, 2016
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 61 0 0 61.00 18m 30s
July 9, 2016
Patrol Venus - 264 0 0 264.00 51m 2s
Patrol Mars - 172 1 0 172.00 41m 29s
July 8, 2016
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 209 0 5 209.00 48m 30s
July 5, 2016
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 54 0 3 54.00 29m 0s
July 4, 2016
Patrol Venus - 43 0 0 43.00 9m 0s
Patrol the Moon - 110 0 0 110.00 30m 30s
Patrol Mars - 147 1 2 147.00 45m 30s
July 3, 2016
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 217 0 4 217.00 43m 29s
June 29, 2016
Patrol Mars - 87 0 0 87.00 29m 0s
Patrol the Moon - 229 0 3 229.00 53m 0s
Patrol the Moon - 13 0 0 13.00 5m 30s
Patrol the Moon - 16 0 0 16.00 6m 30s
Patrol the Moon - 9 0 0 9.00 4m 12s
Patrol the Moon - 1 0 0 1.00 1m 33s
Patrol the Moon - 7 0 0 7.00 4m 0s
June 28, 2016
Patrol the Moon - 5 0 0 5.00 5m 0s
Patrol the Moon - 34 1 0 34.00 14m 30s
Patrol the Moon - 4 0 0 4.00 2m 29s
June 27, 2016
The Undying Mind 0 31 0 23 31.00 12m 39s
Cerberus Vae III 0 34 0 11 34.00 17m 38s
Patrol the Dreadnaught - 265 1 0 265.00 1h 24m
June 26, 2016
Patrol Mars - 328 0 9 328.00 1h 40m
Patrol the Moon - 132 0 0 132.00 24m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 226 1 1 226.00 1h 0m
June 24, 2016
Patrol Venus - 98 0 1 98.00 19m 30s
Patrol Venus - 35 0 0 35.00 9m 0s
Patrol Venus - 18 0 0 18.00 4m 30s
Patrol Venus - 200 0 0 200.00 42m 29s
Patrol the Moon - 226 0 8 226.00 58m 29s
June 17, 2016
Patrol Mars - 302 1 1 302.00 1h 9m
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 182 0 2 182.00 47m 30s
June 15, 2016
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 485 0 9 485.00 1h 52m
June 8, 2016
The First Firewall - 5 1 0 5.00 12m 0s
Patrol Venus - 0 0 0 0.00 1m 0s