Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Awoken Hunter


Human Titan


Exo Warlock


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Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
June 25, 2017
The World's Grave - 99 0 0 99.00 - 16m 18s
May 21, 2017
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 32 4 13 8.00 - 54m 30s
May 20, 2017
The Last Array - 21 2 0 10.50 - 5m 0s
April 1, 2017
The Last Array - 34 0 3 34.00 - 6m 59s
March 24, 2017
The Timekeeper 0 0 2 1 0.00 Defeat 4m 1s
The Last Array - 39 0 0 39.00 - 13m 30s
The Warmind - 105 3 0 35.00 - 20m 29s
March 22, 2017
The Warmind - 0 0 0 0.00 - 3m 30s
The Dark Within - 38 0 0 38.00 - 7m 44s
Restoration - 13 0 0 13.00 - 6m 53s
December 26, 2016
Infinite Descent - 1 0 0 1.00 6th -
December 24, 2016
Campus Martius - 2 0 0 2.00 3rd 4:53.765
December 23, 2016
Outbound Signal - 81 1 0 81.00 - 11m 31s
Challenge of the Elders 12,615 147 1 6 147.00 - 30m 59s
Haakon Precipice - 0 0 0 0.00 1st 4:45.919
Haakon Precipice - 0 1 0 0.00 3rd 4:40.931
Shining Sands - 1 2 0 0.50 4th 4:49.302
December 22, 2016
Wrath of the Machine - 0 0 0 0.00 - 1m 30s
Wrath of the Machine - 175 11 47 15.91 - 1h 10m
Wrath of the Machine - 63 8 20 7.88 - 37m 30s
Wrath of the Machine - 100 13 44 7.69 - 43m 30s
The Wretched Eye 9,700 56 13 14 4.31 - 21m 18s
Wrath of the Machine - 7 6 6 1.17 - 30m 0s
Wrath of the Machine - 147 30 58 4.90 - 3h 19m
December 21, 2016
Sepiks Perfected 22,825 98 2 41 49.00 - 20m 41s
Infinite Descent - 3 0 0 3.00 3rd 4:43.105
December 18, 2016
The Wretched Eye 28,350 110 11 25 10.00 - 24m 15s
[PM] Bannerfall 0 0 0 0 0.00 Victory 3m 3s
December 17, 2016
Haakon Precipice - 3 1 0 3.00 4th 4:40.425
Shining Sands - 1 0 0 1.00 4th 5:01.369
Cerberus Vae III 18,525 46 6 28 7.67 - 15m 58s
December 15, 2016
Winter's Run 9,350 32 3 14 10.67 - 15m 11s
The Will of Crota 0 66 3 32 22.00 - 10m 43s
The Nexus 0 30 1 10 30.00 - 10m 10s
[PM] Crossroads 12 6 7 0 0.86 Victory 11m 10s
Blighted Chalice 29,300 143 11 25 13.00 - 20m 12s
Haakon Precipice - 1 0 0 1.00 6th -
Campus Martius - 0 7 0 0.00 6th -
Haakon Precipice - 2 0 0 2.00 6th 4:53.095
Haakon Precipice - 4 0 0 4.00 4th 4:46.161
Shining Sands - 0 0 1 0.00 6th 4:54.434
[PM] Bannerfall 0 0 0 0 0.00 Victory 1m 30s
[PM] Bannerfall 0 0 0 0 0.00 Victory 6m 30s
Campus Martius - 2 1 0 2.00 1st 4:55.951
Campus Martius - 1 2 0 0.50 1st 4:57.003
Shining Sands - 1 2 0 0.50 3rd 5:09.427
Campus Martius - 1 1 0 1.00 3rd 5:01.956
December 14, 2016
Infinite Descent - 3 0 0 3.00 3rd 4:46.069
Campus Martius - 1 0 0 1.00 2nd 4:58.419
Haakon Precipice - 1 0 0 1.00 2nd 4:52.049