Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Awoken Warlock


Awoken Warlock


Awoken Hunter


All Characters

7d 7h 38m Time Played
40 5520
Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
October 31, 2015
Bannerfall 5 8 0 1 8.00 Victory 5m 7s
October 28, 2015
The Sunless Cell 0 120 2 38 60.00 - 18m 46s
October 24, 2015
King's Fall - 303 17 193 17.82 - 1h 49m
October 21, 2015
King's Fall - 248 6 81 41.33 - 1h 1m
Dust Palace 0 136 3 24 45.33 - 23m 19s
October 20, 2015
Exodus Blue 2,535 22 9 2 2.44 1st 8m 27s
Widow's Court 2,540 23 8 1 2.88 1st 8m 19s
Firebase Delphi 575 5 2 1 2.50 6th 8m 59s
Bannerfall 2,445 21 13 5 1.62 2nd 10m 21s
Frontier 1,075 9 10 2 0.90 3rd 8m 14s
Thieves' Den 5 13 9 4 1.44 Victory 12m 5s
Bannerfall 1,650 8 4 3 2.00 Victory 6m 15s
The Drifter 1,800 14 8 5 1.75 Victory 8m 23s
October 17, 2015
Patrol Mars - 76 0 0 76.00 - 10m 0s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 85 0 1 85.00 - 10m 0s
October 16, 2015
Black Shield 2,550 13 10 7 1.30 Defeat 11m 2s
October 14, 2015
Vertigo 4,640 22 7 11 3.14 Defeat 11m 42s
Bannerfall 4,370 20 10 9 2.00 Victory 10m 5s
The Dungeons 3,000 15 10 5 1.50 Defeat 9m 3s
Twilight Gap 2,415 14 13 3 1.08 Defeat 10m 30s
Bannerfall 4,675 21 13 8 1.62 Victory 12m 6s
Black Shield 1,420 8 14 6 0.57 Defeat 8m 11s
Exodus Blue 3,555 17 12 9 1.42 Defeat 8m 58s
Vertigo 11,295 11 3 9 3.67 Victory 8m 19s
Frontier 370 3 4 1 0.75 Defeat 12m 24s
Vertigo 790 7 4 1 1.75 Defeat 5m 39s
Black Shield 0 1 1 0 1.00 Defeat 5m 31s
The Drifter 3,835 30 3 7 10.00 Victory 8m 38s
Pantheon 4,030 18 7 7 2.57 Victory 11m 24s
Black Shield 4,485 23 9 7 2.56 Victory 13m 3s
Twilight Gap 5,950 27 4 5 6.75 Victory 10m 19s
Twilight Gap 5,895 28 12 3 2.33 Victory 12m 9s
The Dungeons 5,150 19 3 7 6.33 Victory 8m 5s
Exodus Blue 1,190 6 2 3 3.00 Defeat 10m 18s
October 13, 2015
King's Fall - 283 8 85 35.38 - 1h 5m
Fallen S.A.B.E.R. 0 35 3 12 11.67 - 14m 19s
October 12, 2015
The Dark Beyond - 64 2 0 32.00 - 4m 30s
October 6, 2015
King's Fall - 197 10 87 19.70 - 1h 23m
Shield Brothers 0 46 0 25 46.00 - 11m 28s
October 2, 2015
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 281 1 8 281.00 - 41m 0s
October 1, 2015
Cayde's Stash - 31 4 11 7.75 - 36m 50s
The Promethean Code - 0 1 0 0.00 - 1m 30s
September 30, 2015
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 68 0 0 68.00 - 13m 59s
The Dark Beyond - 49 2 0 24.50 - 4m 30s
Patrol Venus - 42 0 5 42.00 - 9m 29s
The Sunless Cell 0 71 7 40 10.14 - 20m 10s
Paradox - 60 3 18 20.00 - 15m 21s
Fallen S.A.B.E.R. 0 50 5 9 10.00 - 14m 3s
The Undying Mind 0 144 0 18 144.00 - 21m 36s
September 29, 2015
King's Fall - 294 5 147 58.80 - 1h 23m