Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Human Titan


Human Warlock


Awoken Hunter


All Characters

2d 18h 45m Time Played
40 5615
Activity Score K D A K/D Duration
September 25, 2022
King's Fall - 52 0 0 52.00 8m 30s
King's Fall - 53 1 0 53.00 8m 29s
King's Fall - 17 1 0 17.00 3m 30s
King's Fall - 66 0 0 66.00 9m 3s
King's Fall - 14 1 0 14.00 2m 30s
King's Fall - 21 1 0 21.00 4m 0s
King's Fall - 18 0 1 18.00 3m 32s
King's Fall - 148 2 16 74.00 52m 27s
September 24, 2022
Wrath of the Machine - 43 1 0 43.00 4m 30s
Wrath of the Machine - 89 2 0 44.50 8m 0s
Wrath of the Machine - 50 5 5 10.00 17m 2s
September 23, 2022
Wrath of the Machine - 110 0 0 110.00 12m 8s
Crota's End - 23 1 0 23.00 2m 0s
Crota's End - 34 1 0 34.00 5m 0s
Wrath of the Machine - 3 1 0 3.00 5m 30s
September 21, 2022
Wrath of the Machine - 0 0 0 0.00 1m 30s
Wrath of the Machine - 122 2 0 61.00 10m 59s
September 20, 2022
Wrath of the Machine - 135 3 6 45.00 21m 0s
Wrath of the Machine - 32 0 1 32.00 42m 0s
September 19, 2022
King's Fall - 0 1 0 0.00 2m 30s
King's Fall - 162 0 0 162.00 20m 29s
Wrath of the Machine - 195 7 0 27.86 20m 30s
King's Fall - 132 1 0 132.00 20m 0s
September 17, 2022
King's Fall - 0 1 0 0.00 4m 30s
Wrath of the Machine - 18 3 0 6.00 14m 29s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 340 1 12 340.00 31m 30s
Patrol the Plaguelands - 48 0 2 48.00 19m 30s
Wrath of the Machine - 28 0 0 28.00 3m 0s
Wrath of the Machine - 137 1 15 137.00 1h 15m
Patrol the Plaguelands - 681 3 132 227.00 1h 20m
The Sunless Cell 3,025 14 1 3 14.00 25m 56s
Wrath of the Machine - 178 3 0 59.33 48m 1s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 18 0 0 18.00 3m 0s
Wrath of the Machine - 0 1 0 0.00 2h 38m
August 15, 2022
Patrol the Plaguelands - 1884 7 168 269.14 3h 0m
August 14, 2022
Patrol the Plaguelands - 1250 13 117 96.15 1h 57m
Challenge of the Elders 21,600 133 0 28 133.00 17m 33s
Blighted Chalice 16,075 87 2 17 43.50 8m 10s
The Abomination Heist 22,475 54 3 11 18.00 7m 52s
Dust Palace 16,850 54 1 11 54.00 8m 27s
Shrine of Oryx - 40 2 0 20.00 6m 27s
The Dark Within - 10 0 4 10.00 3m 32s
The Sword of Crota - 46 1 18 46.00 7m 53s
The World's Grave - 48 1 3 48.00 6m 50s
August 13, 2022
The Sword of Crota - 46 1 12 46.00 7m 3s
Winter's Run 31,675 87 5 12 17.40 14m 13s
The Abomination Heist 0 15 0 4 15.00 9m 1s
Wrath of the Machine - 118 0 0 118.00 12m 45s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 172 2 6 86.00 21m 30s
Patrol the Cosmodrome - 117 2 2 58.50 13m 29s