Completions | 24 |
Time Played | 2d 36m |
Kills | 6,360 |
Assists | 2,682 |
Deaths | 427 |
K/d Ratio | 14.89 |
KA/d Ratio | 21.18 |
Headshots | 2,912 |
Completions | 1 |
Time Played | 39m 49s |
Kills | 162 |
Assists | 71 |
Deaths | 12 |
K/d Ratio | 13.50 |
KA/d Ratio | 16.46 |
Headshots | 28 |
Completions | 5 |
Time Played | 5h 17m 14s |
Kills | 763 |
Assists | 247 |
Deaths | 60 |
K/d Ratio | 12.72 |
KA/d Ratio | 14.78 |
Headshots | 279 |
Completions | 4 |
Time Played | 15h 28m 7s |
Kills | 2,096 |
Assists | 1,031 |
Deaths | 143 |
K/d Ratio | 14.66 |
KA/d Ratio | 18.26 |
Headshots | 1,078 |
Completions | 6 |
Time Played | 15h 11m 19s |
Kills | 1,754 |
Assists | 707 |
Deaths | 99 |
K/d Ratio | 17.72 |
KA/d Ratio | 21.29 |
Headshots | 837 |
Completions | 6 |
Time Played | 5h 38m 27s |
Kills | 1,083 |
Assists | 290 |
Deaths | 51 |
K/d Ratio | 21.24 |
KA/d Ratio | 24.08 |
Headshots | 441 |
Completions | 2 |
Time Played | 6h 21m 46s |
Kills | 502 |
Assists | 336 |
Deaths | 62 |
K/d Ratio | 8.10 |
KA/d Ratio | 10.81 |
Headshots | 249 |
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Level 30
Level 30
Level 30
Level 30
Level 30