Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Character Totals

Completions 1
Time Played 11h 24m 20s
Kills 1,129
Assists 572
Deaths 144
K/d Ratio 7.84
KA/d Ratio 11.81
Headshots 475

Raid Completions

King's Fall Hard

Completions 0
Time Played 6h 47m 38s
Kills 736
Assists 334
Deaths 77
K/d Ratio 9.56
KA/d Ratio 11.73
Headshots 316

King's Fall Normal

Completions 1
Time Played 4h 36m 42s
Kills 393
Assists 238
Deaths 67
K/d Ratio 5.87
KA/d Ratio 7.64
Headshots 159

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