Completions | 33 |
Time Played | 3d 8h 49m |
Kills | 12,535 |
Assists | 3,793 |
Deaths | 950 |
K/d Ratio | 13.19 |
KA/d Ratio | 17.19 |
Headshots | 4,106 |
Completions | 7 |
Time Played | 1d 1h 32m |
Kills | 2,115 |
Assists | 595 |
Deaths | 392 |
K/d Ratio | 5.40 |
KA/d Ratio | 6.15 |
Headshots | 331 |
Completions | 5 |
Time Played | 7h 9m 0s |
Kills | 1,165 |
Assists | 350 |
Deaths | 83 |
K/d Ratio | 14.04 |
KA/d Ratio | 16.14 |
Headshots | 386 |
Completions | 2 |
Time Played | 7h 6m 51s |
Kills | 1,609 |
Assists | 411 |
Deaths | 61 |
K/d Ratio | 26.38 |
KA/d Ratio | 29.75 |
Headshots | 808 |
Completions | 1 |
Time Played | 1h 13m 20s |
Kills | 265 |
Assists | 74 |
Deaths | 6 |
K/d Ratio | 44.17 |
KA/d Ratio | 50.33 |
Headshots | 139 |
Completions | 2 |
Time Played | 1h 17m 25s |
Kills | 329 |
Assists | 133 |
Deaths | 8 |
K/d Ratio | 41.13 |
KA/d Ratio | 49.44 |
Headshots | 135 |
Completions | 1 |
Time Played | 1h 2m 41s |
Kills | 197 |
Assists | 35 |
Deaths | 12 |
K/d Ratio | 16.42 |
KA/d Ratio | 17.88 |
Headshots | 31 |
Completions | 1 |
Time Played | 43m 50s |
Kills | 130 |
Assists | 48 |
Deaths | 4 |
K/d Ratio | 32.50 |
KA/d Ratio | 38.50 |
Headshots | 28 |
Completions | 10 |
Time Played | 1d 1h 25m |
Kills | 5,544 |
Assists | 1,771 |
Deaths | 278 |
K/d Ratio | 19.94 |
KA/d Ratio | 23.13 |
Headshots | 1,892 |
Completions | 4 |
Time Played | 11h 18m 19s |
Kills | 1,181 |
Assists | 376 |
Deaths | 106 |
K/d Ratio | 11.14 |
KA/d Ratio | 12.92 |
Headshots | 356 |
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Level 26
Level 26
Level 26
Level 26
Level 26