Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Character Totals

Completions 14
Time Played 20h 29m 2s
Kills 4,339
Assists 1,779
Deaths 191
K/d Ratio 22.72
KA/d Ratio 32.03
Headshots 298

Raid Completions

Wrath of the Machine Level 42

Completions 3
Time Played 3h 21m 12s
Kills 635
Assists 266
Deaths 18
K/d Ratio 35.28
KA/d Ratio 42.67
Headshots 84

Wrath of the Machine Level 42

Completions 11
Time Played 17h 7m 50s
Kills 3,704
Assists 1,513
Deaths 173
K/d Ratio 21.41
KA/d Ratio 25.78
Headshots 214

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Wrath of the Machine

Level 42

Wrath of the Machine

Level 42

Wrath of the Machine

Level 42

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