Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Character Totals

Completions 4
Time Played 9h 35m 46s
Kills 1,098
Assists 547
Deaths 73
K/d Ratio 15.04
KA/d Ratio 22.53
Headshots 522

Raid Completions

King's Fall Hard

Completions 4
Time Played 8h 29m 56s
Kills 1,048
Assists 510
Deaths 70
K/d Ratio 14.97
KA/d Ratio 18.61
Headshots 504

King's Fall Normal

Completions 0
Time Played 1h 5m 50s
Kills 50
Assists 37
Deaths 3
K/d Ratio 16.67
KA/d Ratio 22.83
Headshots 18

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