Completions | 28 |
Time Played | 2d 8h 22m |
Kills | 7,198 |
Assists | 3,435 |
Deaths | 525 |
K/d Ratio | 13.71 |
KA/d Ratio | 20.25 |
Headshots | 2,985 |
Completions | 3 |
Time Played | 2h 59m 59s |
Kills | 477 |
Assists | 103 |
Deaths | 20 |
K/d Ratio | 23.85 |
KA/d Ratio | 26.43 |
Headshots | 125 |
Completions | 13 |
Time Played | 1d 3h 51m |
Kills | 3,442 |
Assists | 2,050 |
Deaths | 228 |
K/d Ratio | 15.10 |
KA/d Ratio | 19.59 |
Headshots | 1,661 |
Completions | 5 |
Time Played | 20h 44m 34s |
Kills | 1,892 |
Assists | 996 |
Deaths | 233 |
K/d Ratio | 8.12 |
KA/d Ratio | 10.26 |
Headshots | 748 |
Completions | 6 |
Time Played | 4h 12m 15s |
Kills | 1,259 |
Assists | 249 |
Deaths | 40 |
K/d Ratio | 31.48 |
KA/d Ratio | 34.59 |
Headshots | 398 |
Completions | 1 |
Time Played | 33m 49s |
Kills | 128 |
Assists | 37 |
Deaths | 4 |
K/d Ratio | 32.00 |
KA/d Ratio | 36.63 |
Headshots | 53 |
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Level 33
Level 30
Level 30