Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Awoken Hunter


All Characters

Activity Score K D A K/D Standing Duration
September 13, 2014
Exodus Blue 1,315 4 13 5 0.31 Defeat 9m 11s
Blind Watch 1,915 8 15 2 0.53 Defeat 13m 12s
Bastion 675 4 18 5 0.22 Defeat 14m 44s
Rusted Lands 975 6 14 6 0.43 Defeat 11m 38s
Asylum 535 1 17 1 0.06 Defeat 11m 48s
Exodus Blue 2,465 10 16 1 0.63 Victory 11m 33s
Shores of Time 385 1 11 0 0.09 Defeat 10m 28s
The Burning Shrine 1,685 3 15 6 0.20 Victory 11m 54s
Shores of Time 1,200 2 14 3 0.14 Defeat 10m 37s
Rusted Lands 400 0 13 3 0.00 Defeat 8m 59s
Rusted Lands 1,425 2 14 4 0.14 Victory 10m 46s
Twilight Gap 995 4 13 0 0.31 Defeat 11m 13s
Shores of Time 1,535 4 21 6 0.19 Victory 12m 59s
Bastion 1,780 7 16 1 0.44 Victory 16m 24s