Destiny 2 Tracker Network
Looking for a calcified fragments checklist? look no further.
Acquired Card Name Avail Earned Stats


Guardians 0 0
Titan 45 30
Enemy Kills as Titans
Current: 10,778
Rank 1 - 5000
Rank 2 - 10000
Rank 3 - 20000
Crucible Kills as Titan
Current: 2,875
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Titans Killed in the Crucible
Current: 2,583
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Ghost Fragment: Titan 5 5
Hunter 45 15
Enemy Kills as Hunters
Current: 1,381
Rank 1 - 5000
Rank 2 - 10000
Rank 3 - 20000
Crucible Kills as Hunter
Current: 2,136
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Hunters Killed in the Crucible
Current: 3,219
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Ghost Fragment: Hunter 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Warlock 45 10
Enemy Kills as Warlock
Current: 33
Rank 1 - 5000
Rank 2 - 10000
Rank 3 - 20000
Crucible Kills as Warlock
Current: 0
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Warlocks Killed in the Crucible
Current: 2,776
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Ghost Fragment: Warlock 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Warlock 2 5 5
The Guardian 0 0


Human 0 0
Ghost Fragment: Human 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Human 2 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Human 3 10 10
Ghost Fragment: Human 4 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Human 5 5 5
Awoken 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Awoken 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Awoken 2 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Awoken 3 5 5
Exo 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Exo 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Exo 2 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Exo 3 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.


Ghosts 0 0
Dead Ghosts 0 0
Ghost Fragment: Ghosts 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Ghosts 2 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.


Guardian Abilities 0 0
Ghost Fragment: Abilities 5 5
Striker 0 0
Defender 0 0
Sunbreaker 0 0
Gunslinger 0 0
Bladedancer 0 0
Nightstalker 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Voidwalker 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Sunsinger 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Stormcaller 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Melee Abilities

Punch 0 0
Stab 0 0
Palm 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Grenade Abilities

Flashbang Grenade 0 0
Pulse Grenade 0 0
Lightning Grenade 0 0
Magnetic Grenade 0 0
Spike Grenade 0 0
Suppressor Grenade 0 0
Thermite Grenade 0 0
Skip Grenade 0 0
Arcbolt Grenade 0 0
Flux Grenade 0 0
Incendiary Grenade 0 0
Tripmine Grenade 0 0
Swarm Grenade 0 0
Voidwall Grenade 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Solar Grenade 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Firebolt Grenade 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Fusion Grenade 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Vortex Grenade 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Scatter Grenade 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Axion Bolt 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Storm Grenade 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Movement Modes

Double Jump 0 0
Glide 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Blink 0 0
Lift 0 0

Super Abilities

Fist of Havoc 0 0
Ward of Dawn 0 0
Hammer of Sol 0 0
Golden Gun 0 0
Arc Blade 0 0
Shadowshot 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Nova Bomb 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Radiance 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Stormtrance 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Primary Weapons

Auto Rifles 20 5
Current: 461
Rank 1 - 2500
Rank 2 - 5000
Rank 3 - 10000
SUROS Regime 0 0
Hard Light 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Monte Carlo 0 0
Necrochasm 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Zhalo Supercell 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Fabian Strategy 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Scout Rifles 20 10
Current: 3,010
Rank 1 - 2500
Rank 2 - 5000
Rank 3 - 10000
MIDA Multi-Tool 0 0
The Fate of all Fools 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Touch of Malice 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Jade Rabbit 0 0
Boolean Gemini 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Tlaloc 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Pulse Rifles 20 5
Current: 1,937
Rank 1 - 2500
Rank 2 - 5000
Rank 3 - 10000
Bad Juju 0 0
Red Death 0 0
No Time To Explain 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Hand Cannons 20 15
Current: 5,126
Rank 1 - 2500
Rank 2 - 5000
Rank 3 - 10000
Hawkmoon 0 0
The Last Word 0 0
Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 5 5
Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 2 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 3 5 5
Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 4 5 5
Thorn 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Thorn 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Thorn 2 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Thorn 3 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Thorn 4 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The First Curse 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ace of Spades 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Outbreak Prime 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov 7G-0X 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
KhvostovField Manual, pg. 1 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
KhvostovField Manual, pg. 15 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov Field Manual, pg. 17 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov Field Manual, pg. 26 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov Field Manual, pg. 33 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov Field Manual, pg. 38 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov Field Manual, pg. 54 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov Field Manual, pg. 67 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov Field Manual, pg. 74 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov Field Manual, pg. 78 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov Field Manual, pg. 85 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov Field Manual, pg. 86 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Khvostov Field Manual, pg. 90 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Last Word 5 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Thorn 5 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Special Weapons

Shotguns 20 10
Current: 1,560
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Universal Remote 0 0
Invective 0 0
The 4th Horseman 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Lord of Wolves 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Chaperone 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Fusion Rifles 20 5
Current: 160
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Pocket Infinity 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Plan C 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Vex Mythoclast 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Queenbreakers' Bow 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Telesto 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Sleeper Simulant 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Sniper Rifles 20 5
Current: 994
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Patience and Time 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ice Breaker 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
No Land Beyond 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Hereafter 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Black Spindle 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Zen Meteor 15 15
Sidearms 20 10
Current: 1,319
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Vestian Dynasty 0 0
Dreg's Promise 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Trespasser 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Heavy Weapons

Rocket Launchers 20 10
Current: 582
Rank 1 - 500
Rank 2 - 1000
Rank 3 - 2500
Gjallarhorn 0 0
Truth 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dragon's Breath 0 0
Machine Guns 20 5
Current: 404
Rank 1 - 500
Rank 2 - 1000
Rank 3 - 2500
Thunderlord 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Super Good Advice 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Swords 5 5
Bolt-Caster 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Raze-Lighter 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dark-Drinker 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Nemesis Star 0 0
The Young Wolf's Howl 0 0
Abbadon 0 0
Nova Mortis 0 0

Damage Types

Arc 0 0
Solar 0 0
Void 0 0

Guardian Vehicles

Guardian Ships 5 5
Sparrow 10 10
Lysander's Cry 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.


Glimmer 0 0
Vanguard Marks 10 10
Crucible Marks 10 10
Motes of Light 15 15
Strange Coins 15 15
Upgrade Materials 0 0
Eververse 5 5
Silver 5 5
Chroma 5 5

The Traveler

The Traveler 0 0
Ghost Fragment: The Traveler 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Traveler 2 5 5
Ghost Fragment: The Traveler 3 10 10

Tower Allies

The Speaker 15 15
Titan Vanguard 0 0
Hunter Vanguard 0 0
Warlock Vanguard 0 0
Crucible Handler 0 0
Future War Cult Faction Rep 0 0
Dead Orbit Faction Rep 0 0
New Monarchy Faction Rep 0 0
Postmaster 0 0
Cryptarch 0 0
Special Orders 0 0
Guardian Outfitter 0 0
Shipwright 0 0
Gunsmith 0 0
Agent of the Nine 0 0
Iron Banner Rep 5 5
Queen's Emissary 5 5
Frames 5 5
Vanguard Quartermaster 0 0
Crucible Quartermaster 0 0
Bounty Tracker 0 0
Crota's Bane 0 0
Tyra Karn 0 0
Shiro-4 0 0
Lady Efrideet 0 0
Micha 99-40 0 0
Gabi 55-30 0 0

City Factions

Factions 5 5
Future War Cult 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Future War Cult 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dead Orbit 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Dead Orbit 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
New Monarchy 5 5
Ghost Fragment: New Monarchy 10 10

The Exo Stranger

The Exo Stranger 15 15
Ghost Fragment: The Exo Stranger 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Exo Stranger 2 10 10

The Queen

The Queen 15 15
Ghost Fragment: The Queen 10 10
Ghost Fragment: The Queen 2 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Queen's Brother 15 15
Ghost Fragment: Queen's Brother 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Variks, The Loyal 5 5
Petra Venj, Queen's Wrath 5 5
Reef Frames 5 5
The Royal Awoken Guard 5 5
Master Ives, Cryptarch 5 5
The Coven 5 5
The Aftermath 10 10


Rasputin 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 2 10 10
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 3 15 15
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 4 10 10
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 5 15 15
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 6 5 5


Osiris 15 15
Disciples of Osiris 5 5
Vision 81 5 5
Vision 47 10 0

Legends & Mysteries

Legend: The Black Garden 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Legends 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Legends 2 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Legends 3 15 15
Ghost Fragment: Mysteries 10 10
Ghost Fragment: Mysteries 2 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Mystery: Fate of Skolas 5 5
Legend: Saint-14 15 15
Mystery: The Vault of Glass 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Mystery: The Vault of Glass 2 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Mystery: The Vault of Glass 3 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Mystery: Praedyth's Door 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Rezyl Azzir - Before These Walls 15 15
Rezyl Azzir - War Without End 10 10
Legends and Mysteries: Rezyl Azzir 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Mysteries 3 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Legend: Rezyl Azzir - The Triumphant Fall 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Shadows of Yor 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Lord Shaxx 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Lord Shaxx 2 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Fallen 6 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Eris Morn 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Cayde-6 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Reef 4 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Iron Lords

Lord Radegast 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Lady Perun 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Lord Felwinter 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Lord Gheleon 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Lord Silimar 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Lady Jolder 0 0
Lady Skorri 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Lord Timur 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Iron Battle Axe 0 0


The Fallen 20 20
Current: 6,029
Rank 1 - 500
Rank 2 - 1000
Rank 3 - 2500
Dreg 20 20
Current: 2,401
Rank 1 - 400
Rank 2 - 1000
Rank 3 - 2000
Shank 20 15
Current: 693
Rank 1 - 150
Rank 2 - 375
Rank 3 - 750
Vandal 20 20
Current: 1,884
Rank 1 - 300
Rank 2 - 750
Rank 3 - 1500
Captain 20 10
Current: 212
Rank 1 - 100
Rank 2 - 250
Rank 3 - 500
Servitor 20 10
Current: 101
Rank 1 - 50
Rank 2 - 125
Rank 3 - 250
House of Devils 10 10
House of Exile 10 10
House of Winter 10 10
House of Kings 10 10
House of Wolves 10 10
Ghost Fragment: Fallen 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Fallen 2 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Fallen 3 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Fallen 4 10 10
Ghost Fragment: Fallen 5 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Splicers 0 0
Devil Splicers 0 0

Fallen Arsenal

Shock Pistol 10 10
Shock Rifle 10 10
Shrapnel Launcher 10 10
Wire Rifle 10 10
Shock Dagger 10 10
Shock Blade 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Shock Grenade 10 10
Skiff 5 5
Pike 5 5
Walker 5 5
Heavy Pike 5 5
Web Mines 5 5
Scorch Cannon 5 5
SIVA Charge 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Shock Cannon 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Null Cannon 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Fallen Leadership

Riksis, Devil Archon 15 15
Simiks-3 10 10
Draksis, Winter Kell 15 15
Sepiks Prime 15 15
Aksor, Archon Priest 15 15
The Silent Fang 15 15
Paskin, King Baron 15 15
Yavek, Wolf Baron 15 15
Vekis, King Baron 15 15
Skolas: Captured 15 15
Skolas: Defeated 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Taniks, the Scarred 15 15
Pilot Servitor 15 15
Kaliks Reborn 15 15
S.A.B.E.R.-2 15 15
Aksis, Archon Prime 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Vosik, the Archpriest 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Kovik, Splicer Priest 10 10
Sepiks Perfected 10 10

Fallen Hunted

WANTED: Wolf Pack 10 10
WANTED: Skolas, Kell of Kells 15 15
WANTED: Skoriks, Archon-Slayer 10 10
WANTED: Grayor, Wolf Assassin 10 10
WANTED: Drevis, Wolf Baroness 10 10
WANTED: Pirsis, Pallas-Bane 10 10
WANTED: Kaliks-12 10 10
WANTED: Veliniks, the Ravenous 10 10
WANTED: Peekis, the Disavowed 10 10
WANTED: Beltrik, the Veiled 10 10
WANTED: Mecher Orbiks-11 10 10
WANTED: Saviks, Queenbreaker 10 10
WANTED: Weksis, the Meek 10 10
WANTED: Wolf Scavenger 5 5
WANTED: Twisted Claw 5 5
WANTED: High Servitor 5 5
WANTED: Queenbreaker Vandal 5 5
WANTED: Howling Raider 5 5
WANTED: Repeater Shank 5 5
WANTED: Ether Runner 5 5
WANTED: Wolves' Guard 5 5
WANTED: Silent Fang 5 5
WANTED: Wolf Enforcer 5 5
WANTED: Queenbreaker Captain 5 5
WANTED: Tracer Shank 5 5


The Hive 20 20
Current: 3,949
Rank 1 - 500
Rank 2 - 1000
Rank 3 - 2500
Thrall 20 15
Current: 1,333
Rank 1 - 300
Rank 2 - 750
Rank 3 - 1500
Acolyte 20 15
Current: 1,483
Rank 1 - 500
Rank 2 - 1250
Rank 3 - 2500
Knight 20 15
Current: 341
Rank 1 - 100
Rank 2 - 250
Rank 3 - 500
Ogre 20 5
Current: 21
Rank 1 - 50
Rank 2 - 125
Rank 3 - 250
Wizard 20 10
Current: 109
Rank 1 - 50
Rank 2 - 125
Rank 3 - 250
The Hidden Swarm 10 10
Spawn of Crota 10 10
Blood of Oryx 10 10
Hive Champions 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Hive 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Hive 2 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Hive 3 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Hive 4 10 10

Hive Arsenal

Shredder 10 10
Boomer 10 10
Cleaver 10 10
Tomb Ship 5 5
Shrieker 5 5
Dreadnaught 5 5

Exalted Hive

Kranox, The Graven 10 10
Swarm Princes 15 15
Telthor, Unborn 10 10
Sardok, Eye of Oryx 15 15
Mormu, Xol Spawn 10 10
Phogoth, the Untamed 15 15
Blades of Crota 10 10
Sardon, Fist of Crota 10 10
Might of Crota 15 15
Hand of Crota 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Eyes of Crota 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Heart of Crota 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Urzok, the Hated 10 10
Omnigul, Will of Crota 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Forsaken 15 15
Ir Yût, the Deathsinger 15 15
Crota, Son of Oryx 15 15
Wretched Knight 15 15
Urrox, Flame Prince 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Gulrot, Unclean 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Oryx, The Taken King 5 5
Oryx: Rebuked 10 10
Oryx: Defeated 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Echo of Oryx 10 10
Alak-Hul, the Darkblade 15 15
The Warpriest 15 15
Golgoroth 15 15
Ir Halak, Deathsinger 15 15
Ir Anûk, Deathsinger 15 15
Krughor 10 10
Lokaar 10 10
Alzok Däl, Gornuk Däl, Zyrok Däl 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Vorlog 10 10
Balwûr 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Thalnok, Fanatic of Crota 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.


The Vex 20 15
Current: 2,245
Rank 1 - 500
Rank 2 - 1000
Rank 3 - 2500
Goblin 20 10
Current: 1,234
Rank 1 - 500
Rank 2 - 1250
Rank 3 - 2500
Hobgoblin 20 10
Current: 311
Rank 1 - 200
Rank 2 - 500
Rank 3 - 1000
Harpy 20 10
Current: 256
Rank 1 - 150
Rank 2 - 375
Rank 3 - 750
Minotaur 20 10
Current: 146
Rank 1 - 100
Rank 2 - 250
Rank 3 - 500
Hydra 20 5
Current: 16
Rank 1 - 50
Rank 2 - 125
Rank 3 - 250
Hezen Corrective 10 10
Hezen Protective 10 10
Virgo Prohibition 10 10
Sol Divisive 10 10
Precursors 10 10
Descendants 10 10
Ghost Fragment: Vex 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Vex 2 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Vex 3 10 10
Ghost Fragment: Vex 4 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Vex 5 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Vex Arsenal

Slap Rifle 10 10
Line Rifle 10 10
Torch Hammer 10 10
Slap Grenade 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Cyclops 5 5

Vex Axis Minds

Zydron, Gate Lord 15 15
Prohibitive Mind 15 15
Sol Progeny 15 15
Sekrion, Nexus Mind 15 15
The Gorgons 15 15
The Templar 15 15
Atheon, Time's Conflux 15 15
The Undying Mind 15 15
Overmind Minotaur 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Qodron, Gate Lord 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Theosyion, the Restorative Mind 15 15


The Cabal 20 15
Current: 1,380
Rank 1 - 500
Rank 2 - 1000
Rank 3 - 2500
Legionary 20 10
Current: 630
Rank 1 - 300
Rank 2 - 750
Rank 3 - 1500
Centurion 20 5
Current: 92
Rank 1 - 100
Rank 2 - 250
Rank 3 - 500
Colossus 20 5
Current: 29
Rank 1 - 50
Rank 2 - 125
Rank 3 - 250
Psion 20 10
Current: 300
Rank 1 - 300
Rank 2 - 750
Rank 3 - 1500
Phalanx 20 5
Current: 213
Rank 1 - 250
Rank 2 - 625
Rank 3 - 1250
Sand Eaters 10 10
Dust Giants 10 10
Siege Dancers 10 10
Blind Legion 10 10
Skyburners 5 5
Cabal Champions 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Cabal 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Cabal 2 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Cabal 3 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Cabal 4 5 5

Cabal Arsenal

Slug Rifle 10 10
Projection Rifle 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Heavy Slug Thrower 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Cabal Shield 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Harvester 5 5
Interceptor 5 5
Goliath Tank 5 5

Cabal Command

Bracus Tho'ourg 10 10
Bracus Tha'aurn 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Primus Sha'aull 15 15
The Psion Flayers 15 15
Valus Ta'aurc 15 15
Val Aru'un 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Valus Trau'ug 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Valus Tlu'urn 15 15
Valus Mau'ual 15 15


The Darkness 5 5
Calcified Fragments: Curiosity 5 5
Calcified Fragments: Insight 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Darkness 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Darkness 2 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Darkness 3 10 10
Ghost Fragment: Darkness 4 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Books of Sorrow

I: Predators 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
II: The Hateful Verse 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
III: The Oath 5 5
IV: Syzygy 5 5
V: Needle and Worm 5 5
VI: Sisters 5 5
VII: The Dive 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
VIII: Leviathan 5 5
IX: The Bargain 5 5
X: Immortals 5 5
XI: Conquerors 5 5
XII: Out of the Deep 5 5
XIII: Into the Sky 5 5
XIV: 52 and One 5 5
XV: Born As Prey 5 5
XVI: The Sword Logic 5 5
XVII: The Weakness Verse 5 5
XVIII: Leviathan Rises 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XIX: Crusaders 5 5
XX: Hive 5 5
XXI: an incision 5 5
XXII: The High War 5 5
XXIII: fire without fuel 5 5
XXV: Dictata ir Dakaua 5 5
XXVI: star by star by star 5 5
XXVII: Eat the Sky 5 5
XXVIII: King of Shapes 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XXIX: Carved in Ruin 5 5
XXX: a golden amputation 5 5
XXXI: battle made waves 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XXXII: Majestic. Majestic. 5 5
XXXIII: When do monsters have dreams 5 5
XXXIV: More beautiful to know 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XXXV: This Love Is War 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XXXVI: Eater of Hope 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XXXVII: shapes : points 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XXXVIII: The partition of death 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XXXIX: open your eye : go into it 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XL: An Emperor For All Outcomes 10 10
XLI: Dreadnaught 10 10
XLII: <>|<>|<> 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XLIII: End of Failed Timeline 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XLIV: strict proof eternal 10 10
XLV: I'd shut them all in cells. 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XLVI: The Gift Mast 10 10
XLVII: Apocalypse Refrains 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XLVIII: aiat, aiat, aiat, aiat, aiat 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
XLIX: Forever And A Blade 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
L: Wormfood 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

The Taken

The Taken 5 5
The Taken: Thrall 5 5
The Taken: Acolyte 5 5
The Taken: Knight 5 5
The Taken: Wizard 5 5
The Taken: Psion 5 5
The Taken: Phalanx 5 5
The Taken: Centurion 5 5
The Taken: Vandal 5 5
The Taken: Captain 5 5
The Taken: Goblin 5 5
The Taken: Hobgoblin 5 5
The Taken: Minotaur 5 5
Primus Ta'aun 5 5
Baxx, the Gravekeeper 5 5
Taken Champions 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Bracus Horu'usk 10 10
Mengoor and Cra'adug 10 10
Kagoor 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Malok, Pride of Oryx 15 15
Seditious Mind 15 0
Noru'usk, Servant of Oryx 15 0
Keksis the Betrayed 15 15
Sylok, the Defiled 15 15
Report: Taken Power 5 5


Dormant SIVA: Clovis Bray 1.0 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Clovis Bray 1.1 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Clovis Bray 1.2 5 5
Dormant SIVA: Clovis Bray 1.3 5 5
Dormant SIVA: Clovis Bray 1.4 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Clovis Bray 1.5 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Clovis Bray 1.6 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Clovis Bray 1.7 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Clovis Bray 1.8 5 5
Dormant SIVA: Clovis Bray 1.9 5 5
Dormant SIVA: Iron Lords 2.0 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Iron Lords 2.1 5 5
Dormant SIVA: Iron Lords 2.2 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Iron Lords 2.3 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Iron Lords 2.4 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Iron Lords 2.5 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Iron Lords 2.6 5 5
Dormant SIVA: Iron Lords 2.7 5 5
Dormant SIVA: Iron Lords 2.8 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Iron Lords 2.9 5 5
Dormant SIVA: Fallen 3.0 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Fallen 3.1 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Fallen 3.2 5 5
Dormant SIVA: Fallen 3.3 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Fallen 3.4 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Fallen 3.5 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Fallen 3.6 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Fallen 3.7 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Fallen 3.8 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Dormant SIVA: Fallen 3.9 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
SIVA 0 0


Mercury 5 5
The Lighthouse 15 15
Ghost Fragment: Mercury 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.


Venus 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Venus 5 5
Ishtar Sink 20 15
Current: 3,484
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Ghost Fragment: Ishtar Sink 5 5


Earth 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Earth 5 5
Old Russia 20 15
Current: 3,440
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Ghost Fragment: Old Russia 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Old Russia 2 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Old Russia 3 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Old Russia 4 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Iron Temple 0 0
Felwinter Peak 0 0
Plaguelands 5 5
Vostok Observatory 0 0

The City

The City 5 5
The Tower 15 15
The Golden Age 0 0
Ghost Fragment: The Golden Age 5 5
Ghost Fragment: The Golden Age 2 10 10
The Dark Age 0 0
Ghost Fragment: The Dark Age 5 5
Ghost Fragment: The Dark Age 2 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The City Age 0 0
Ghost Fragment: The City Age 5 5
Ghost Fragment: The City Age 2 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Dark Age 3 5 5


Moon 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Moon 5 5
The Ocean of Storms 20 15
Current: 3,194
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Ghost Fragment: The Ocean of Storms 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Ocean of Storms 2 5 5
Ghost Fragment: The Hellmouth 10 10
Ghost Fragment: The Hellmouth 2 15 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.


Mars 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Mars 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Meridian Bay 20 15
Current: 2,513
Rank 1 - 1000
Rank 2 - 2500
Rank 3 - 5000
Ghost Fragment: Meridian Bay 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Fleetbase Korus, Phobos 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Clovis Bray 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Clovis Bray 2 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

The Asteroid Belt

The Asteroid Belt 5 5
The Reef 5 5
Ghost Fragment: The Reef 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Reef 2 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Reef 3 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Vestian Outpost, Queen's Bay 5 5
Prison of Elders, The Reef 5 5


Jupiter 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Jupiter 5 5


Rings of Saturn 5 5
Saturn 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Saturn 5 5

Story: Earth, Old Russia

Story Activity Introduction 15 15
Current: 184
Rank 1 - 25
Rank 2 - 50
Rank 3 - 100
A Guardian Rises 5 5
Restoration 5 5
The Dark Within 5 5
The Warmind 5 5
The Last Array 10 10

Story: Moon, Ocean of Storms

The Dark Beyond 5 5
The World's Grave 5 5
The Sword of Crota 5 5
Chamber of Night 5 5
Shrine of Oryx 10 10

Story: Venus, Ishtar Sink

A Stranger's Call 5 5
Ishtar Collective 5 5
The Archive 5 5
Scourge of Winter 5 5
Eye of a Gate Lord 10 10

Story: Mars, Meridian Bay

Exclusion Zone 5 5
The Buried City 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Garden's Spire 5 5
A Rising Tide 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Black Garden 15 15

The Dark Below

Quests Introduction 0 0
Rise of Crota 5 5
Siege of the Warmind 5 5
The Wakening 5 5
Disciples of Crota 5 5
Urn of Sacrifice 5 5

House of Wolves

Arenas Introduction 5 5
Prison of Elders 5 5
The Hunt For Skolas 5 5
A Kell Rising 5 5
Gone to Ground 5 5
The Silent Fang 5 5
The Ruling House 5 5
The Kell of Kells 5 5
Wolves' Gambit 5 5
Queen's Ransom 5 5

The Taken King

The Coming War 5 5
Cayde's Stash 5 5
The Dreadnaught 5 5
Enemy of My Enemy 5 5
Lost to Light 5 5
The Promethean Code 5 5
Last Rites 5 5
Regicide 5 5
Dread Patrol 5 5
Outbound Signal 5 5
The Taken War: Venus 5 5
The Taken War: Earth 5 5
The Taken War: Mars 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Road to King's Fall 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Wolves of Mars 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Sunbreaker's Challenge 5 5
The Nightstalker's Trail 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Stormcaller's Path 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Court of Oryx 5 5
Challenge of the Elders 10 0


Strikes Introduction 15 10
Current: 225
Rank 1 - 50
Rank 2 - 100
Rank 3 - 250
Weekly Strike Challenges Introduction 0 0
Dust Palace 0 0
The Summoning Pits 5 5
The Nexus 5 5
Devils' Lair 5 5
Cerberus Vae III 5 5
Winter's Run 5 5
Will of Crota 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Undying Mind 0 0
The Shadow Thief 5 5
Fallen S.A.B.E.R. 5 5
The Sunless Cell 5 5
Shield Brothers 5 5
Echo Chamber 5 5
Blighted Chalice 5 5
The Wretched Eye 10 10
Sepiks Perfected 10 10
The Abomination Heist 10 10
Vanguard Elite 0 0
The Will of Crota: Revisited 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Shadow Thief: Revisited 10 10
The Nexus: Revisited 10 10
Vanguard Daybreak Strikes 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.


Raids Introduction 15 5
Current: 6
Rank 1 - 5
Rank 2 - 20
Rank 3 - 50
Vault of Glass 5 5
Relic: The Aegis 5 5
Crota's End 5 5
Ascendant Sword 5 5
King's Fall 5 5
Wrath of the Machine 10 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Crucible Playlists

Crucible Introduction 15 10
Match Wins
Current: 610
Rank 1 - 100
Rank 2 - 500
Rank 3 - 1000
Control 20 15
Match Wins
Current: 78
Rank 1 - 25
Rank 2 - 50
Rank 3 - 100
Clash 20 5
Match Wins
Current: 10
Rank 1 - 25
Rank 2 - 50
Rank 3 - 100
Rumble 20 5
Match Wins
Current: 12
Rank 1 - 25
Rank 2 - 50
Rank 3 - 100
Skirmish 20 5
Match Wins
Current: 5
Rank 1 - 25
Rank 2 - 50
Rank 3 - 100
Salvage 20 5
Match Wins
Current: 2
Rank 1 - 25
Rank 2 - 50
Rank 3 - 100
Combined Arms 5 5
Doubles 20 5
Match Wins
Current: 1
Rank 1 - 25
Rank 2 - 50
Rank 3 - 100
Inferno 5 5
Crucible Events 5 5
Elimination 20 20
Match Wins
Current: 180
Rank 1 - 25
Rank 2 - 50
Rank 3 - 100
Iron Banner 5 5
Trials of Osiris 5 5
Rift 5 5
Mayhem 5 5
Zone Control 5 5
Supremacy 5 5

Crucible Arenas

The Burning Shrine 5 5
Shores of Time 5 5
Asylum 5 5
Twilight Gap 5 5
The Rusted Lands 5 5
Exodus Blue 0 0
The Anomaly 5 5
First Light 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Firebase Delphi 5 5
Bastion 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Blind Watch 5 5
Pantheon 5 5
Skyshock 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Cauldron 5 5
Black Shield 5 5
Thieves' Den 5 5
Timekeeper 5 5
Widow's Court 5 5
Sector 618 5 5
Bannerfall 5 5
Memento 5 5
Crossroads 5 5
The Dungeons 5 5
The Drifter 5 5
Frontier 5 5
Vertigo 5 5
Cathedral of Dusk 5 5
Crests 5 5
Skyline - Meridian Bay, Mars 5 5
Last Exit - Ishtar Sink, Venus 5 5
Icarus - Languid Sea, Mercury 0 0
Floating Gardens - Pomona Mons, Venus 5 5
Ghost Fragment: Skyline 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Last Exit 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Icarus 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Floating Gardens 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Shores of Time 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Asylum 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Rusted Lands 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Exodus Blue 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Firebase Delphi 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Cauldron 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Crossroads 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Burning Shrine 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Twilight Gap 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Anomaly 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: First Light 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Bastion 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Blind Watch 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Pantheon 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Skyshock 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Black Shield 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Thieves' Den 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Timekeeper 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Widow's Court 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Sector 618 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Bannerfall 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Memento 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Dungeons 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: The Drifter 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Frontier 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Vertigo 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ghost Fragment: Cathedral of Dusk 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.

Other Activities

Patrols Introduction 15 0
VIP Kills
Current: 10
Rank 1 - 50
Rank 2 - 100
Rank 3 - 250
Public Events Introduction 15 0
Current: 24
Rank 1 - 50
Rank 2 - 100
Rank 3 - 250
Bounties Introduction 0 0
The Festival of the Lost 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Crimson Days 0 0
SRL: Sparrow Racing 5 5
SRL Record Book 0 0
SRL: Campus Martius 5 5
SRL: Infinite Descent 5 5
Festival of the Lost: Underwatch 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Ascendant Raisins 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
The Dawning 0 0
Dawning Fortunes 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Haakon Precipice 0 0
Shining Sands 0 0

Rise of Iron

King of the Mountain 5 5
The Walls Come Down 5 5
The Plaguelands 5 5
Download Complete 5 5
The Iron Tomb 10 10
Transmission 0 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Beauty in Destruction 5 0 Unlock this card by playing Destiny.
Archon's Forge 5 5
Quarantine 5 5