Destiny 2 Tracker Network
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Weapon Kills Kills P/G Precision Headshot %
Melee 34 0.52 0
ScoutRifle 33 0.51 5 15.2%
FusionRifle 28 0.43 0
Shotgun 20 0.31 0
HandCannon 19 0.29 5 26.3%
Super 14 0.22 0
Grenade 13 0.20 0
Machinegun 8 0.12 4 50.0%
AutoRifle 5 0.08 2 40.0%
Weapon Kills Kills P/G Precision Headshot %
Melee 34 0.52 0
ScoutRifle 33 0.51 5 15.2%
FusionRifle 28 0.43 0
Shotgun 20 0.31 0
HandCannon 19 0.29 5 26.3%
Super 14 0.22 0
Grenade 13 0.20 0
Machinegun 8 0.12 4 50.0%
AutoRifle 5 0.08 2 40.0%

Medals Missing: 0 (%)

Medal Description Acquired
Medal Description Acquired P/g