Destiny 2 Tracker Network

Character Totals

Completions 3
Time Played 2h 28m 33s
Kills 695
Assists 92
Deaths 32
K/d Ratio 21.72
KA/d Ratio 24.59
Headshots 66

Raid Completions

Vault of Glass Level 30

Completions 1
Time Played 41m 19s
Kills 227
Assists 26
Deaths 6
K/d Ratio 37.83
KA/d Ratio 40.00
Headshots 31

Vault of Glass Level 26

Completions 1
Time Played 52m 55s
Kills 233
Assists 17
Deaths 11
K/d Ratio 21.18
KA/d Ratio 21.95
Headshots 9

Crota's End Level 42

Completions 0
Time Played 30m 37s
Kills 86
Assists 31
Deaths 10
K/d Ratio 8.60
KA/d Ratio 10.15
Headshots 7

Crota's End Level 33

Completions 1
Time Played 23m 42s
Kills 149
Assists 18
Deaths 5
K/d Ratio 29.80
KA/d Ratio 31.60
Headshots 19

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Vault of Glass

Level 30

Vault of Glass

Level 26

Crota's End [DNF]

Level 42

Crota's End

Level 33

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