Destiny Spotlight has returned. Today speak with V321gamer.

JBeck: Introduce yourself.

V321gamer: Ahoy there! My name’s Vance, or V321gamer, and I’m co-leader of a small clan called Just Let It Happen. I’m a joyful, carefree gamer who seeks nothing more than to have fun, and be as best as I can be while doing it. Occasionally can find me helping out in trials getting some people a flawless for the first time, or goofing around in Quickplay with some random weapons me and my buds are trying out.

JBeck: When did you start playing video games?

V321gamer: I started gaming around the age of, erm, 1 or 2, my older brother was trying to teach me that early on haha. Of course back then I was well, pretty bad, he was teaching me to play Crash Team Racing. Over the course of I think, 3 or 4 years I started to learn what I was doing in the game, from drifting to knowing what items did what and quickly started winning more games even beating my brother. That then became my favorite game at the time.

JBeck: What was the first game you began to take seriously?

V321gamer: The first game I began to take seriously, I think would have to be Ratchet and Clank Full Frontal Assault on PS3. I ended up being deemed as “The best” player in the game for a while, maintaining the #1 spot on the leaderboards. I enjoyed that game to no end!

JBeck: What drew you into Destiny as a series?

V321gamer: On PS3 I was in a clan, on a game called Starhawk, that clan migrated to PS4 and started to play Destiny--- some of my friends as well started to, and one game a beta code for D1, after playing the Beta I quickly fell in love with the game.

JBeck: What stands out to you about the series versus other games (Halo/COD/OW)?

V321gamer: Honestly the gunplay and movement.

JBeck: What was your main (class/race/etc)?

V321gamer: My main class is Warlock-Exo, more specifically Dawnblade/Slova.

JBeck: Which game mode feels the most comfortable to you?

V321gamer: Um, I’ll have to say for Quickplay its Control, and for Competitive its Survival. The reason for control is because I love territory based games/game modes. Holding and defending zones, attacking others are things I love doing! Another reason I loved Ratchet and Clank FFA! For survival it’s just because I enjoy slaying and the tension that if I die, I could be eliminated for the round.

JBeck: What adjustments did you make coming from Destiny 1 to Destiny 2? Did you change loadouts/characters/etc?

V321gamer: I had to get out the “I can solo a team” mindset I had from D1 on to D2. My loadouts in terms of preferred weapons remained the same however being typically a Handcannon with some form of longer range weapon (Pulse, Auto, Scout) and by auto I don’t mean Antiope-D (haha) My beloved warlock also remained, my main.

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JBeck: Speaking of loadouts, for your main character what do you think is optimum for that class (Armor/Stats)?

V321gamer: Well for Dawnblade, personally I believe a higher recovery, a bit of resil, and small amounts of mobility depending on how you play the class. I’m typically using top tree Dawnblade and able to “floof” around people, with my Handcannon and again due to using the top tree, I gain no real benefits for that mobility. Now if you’re the kind who prefers to remain grounded then mobility is defo your friend. I just tend to do a bit of both. ATM my armor stats are a 2/4/8.

JBeck: What loadout (Weapons) do you use for trials/quickplay/competitive play? Do these change depending on the map?

V321gamer: For quickplay I mess around with a variety of weapons. Just yesterday I was using double Handcannon. (Steadyhand and Sunshot) for most of the day on my Titan. For trials/ competitive it depends on my team, if I’m running with my buds in my clan I’ll probably rock some form of “fun” loadout for myself like Mida/ Mineut. Otherwise I’ll take things a bit more serious and just throw on a Vilgilance/Gravitron and call it a day. (Vilgilance Minuet or gravitron Old Fashioned.)

JBeck: Do you typically go solo into matches or do you tend to go in with a group?

V321gamer: Quickplay mostly I go solo, but also do group games when the peeps are on. Competitive 95% of the time is with a group. I do solo queue into comp here and there...

JBeck: Run us through a trials card for example.

V321gamer: This depends. If with my clan we don’t prepare. We put whatever guns we put on and have fun, no strategy unless we notice the names of people we’re going against as good players. Then we may coordinate a lil more. If doing a “carry” then we’ll play more together and explain situations that we are getting in to whoever it is we’re helping and make sure (at least try to) that no one is ever alone. That all said, typically there is no strategy, go in have fun and Just Let It Happen.

JBeck: Many have expressed their concerns about the current state of Destiny 2. With the Warmind DLC, what has improved in your eyes ?

V321gamer: Well, not much but enough to keep some type of interest in the pvp scene (at least for me) things that improved in my opinion, include Crucible, exotics(some) feeling exotic and powerful, a grind, reason to play and want to win (competitive) better loot making it an incentive to play crucible, or to play strikes. Example, the service revolver from Zavala is an amazing Handcannon. Its got at rank 40 however. All in all I feel Warmind is a great start for D2 and will only get better with updates to come, and forsaken.

JBeck: Turning to competitive play, with Private Matches do you see yourself entering events with a team?

V321gamer: This is sorta still being decided. I personally would love to get more involved, and starting soon, I am going to be getting more involved in the competitive scene, I would love to do this along side my team but, this is all TBA. Regardless of the outcome, I will defo be entering in a number of events and trying to improve my own personal skill through a variety of these events.

JBeck: Where do you see trials/comp play going in terms of the Meta (weapons)?

V321gamer: Trials of Gravitron! Gravitive! Haha. No but on a serious note, I see trials and comp just being quad hunter with Wormhusk helmets, Gravitrons and the occasional Vigilance with a rare RARE appearance of Crimson. I personally don’t like this but, a meta is a meta.

JBeck: How do you work around the team shot atmosphere that Destiny 2 has a reputation of?

V321gamer: Well, I have just stopped pushing solo, and playing smarter about how I flank. If I go for a flank and get one or 2 down, and don’t see my team either pushing up or behind me, I will just back off entirely and regroup with my team (assuming I’m weak after the 1st or 2nd down) because 1 of 2 things will happen if I don’t. If I remain there and try and take out the remaining 2, they will either push me, and I’ll die, OR the 2 I just killed will respawn on them, and push me themselves. So its sorta like going in, get a kill or 2, get out. Regroup with team, go off again, etc. And just playing with the team in general.

JBeck: Up to this point, what has been your biggest achievement as a player?

V321gamer: My biggest achievement as a player? I think both the friendships and bonds with my friends and other players I have come across years, and helping players get their first lighthouse or, “Spire” flawless are probably tied as my “Biggest achievement as a player”

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JBeck: With the changes coming in Forsaken, what do you think makes you most excited as a player?

V321gamer: Honestly, I think just the fact random rolls are coming back.

JBeck: What changes would you like to see based on how the summit went?

V321gamer: A faster TTK will always be number 1 imo.

JBeck: What is your favorite gametype?

V321gamer: My fav gametype is probably doubles.

JBeck: How have you changed your approach to the game from Season to Season?

V321gamer: I don’t believe my approaches changed, well, the only real difference is now in Warmind, I actually do, do more PVE than I used to. But still 95% PVP.

JBeck: What map is your favorite?

V321gamer: Solitude!

JBeck: What advice can you give those looking to improve in PVP?

V321gamer: If you really wanna improve, like honestly. I say play play and play more matches and 1v1 players who you know is better than you, and inquire from them what they notice you did wrong/ well in gameplay and just talk to em! When you die, every time you die, think “why did I die” understand why you died, and work upon that right there as a foundation. Example I just had one of my friends who just came back to the game do, we did a 1v1 and at the end of it, I noticed she didn’t seem to be very “aware” when it came to the radar. She didn’t know the difference from when someone was above/ below vs when they was on the same level. The layer shade of red the radar is tells you where your opponent is. After showing her the differences in shades I had her focus a bit more on learning/ understanding the radar. To wrap back around with what the significance of playing a lot of matches brings you is, a sense of situational awareness. Like I said, if you die and think “why did I die” think what you did? Did you push up and there was 3 people ahead of you? You should work on not doing that. Waiting for your team to go with you or rather, just getting a different angle. Was you standing ADS’d and get flanked from behind? Work on not remaining ADS’d for to long. If I ADS a lane I typically stay there for maybe 1 or 2 seconds before I stop to check radar/ move. Did you chase a hunter who was one shot, while you was weak around a corner and get 2v1’d? Or did that same hunter come back full health? A time of DONT chase a kill. Most hunters right now are using worm husk and can easily get their health back off of dodging. If they are weak and you chase them around a corner, you are probably gonna die. Especially if they have a team mate around there. Just back off and wait for them to re-challenge because most hunters after they dodge and get their health back, they know you are still weak and will re-challenge you. This is a small tactic called baiting.

Again thanks to V321gamer for his time. He will be streaming on his channel so stay tuned there and his Twitter @V3TheOnly.

We will see you next week with another spotlight!