Brace yourself, Guardians! I've been writing weekly resets for nearly 2 years now and in that time, I have never seen a week as jam-packed with activities as this one. First off, update 2.0.4 is live with a long list of changes related to the sandbox, Gambit, Crucible, and items & economy. Read full patch notes here
Let's dive right into the rest of this week's activities!
Full Curse Week
This is week three of the curse cycle, otherwise known as a Full Curse week. Here's what the week brings:
- The Shattered Throne - The secret mission that takes you through Mara Sov's throneworld and into the dungeon for a mini raid type encounter is available this week. Completing this mission unlocks the quest for the exotic bow Wish-Ender.
- Malfeasance Quest - During the week the Ascendant Primeval Servitor, which starts the Malfeasance quest, will have a much greater spawn rate.
- Seed of Light- If you have yet to acquire your third Seed of Light, completing the offering to the Oracle this week will grant you the third seed.
Festival of the Lost
"I’ll be damned if we’re gonna sit around and mope all day—Cayde woulda hated that. So let’s have some fun, huh? Put on this mask, and go show the bad guys they can’t keep us down."—Amanda Holliday
Festival of the Lost is a yearly tradition, carried over from Destiny 1, to remember and celebrate the loved ones that have fallen.
This year, Festival of the Lost will include masks, the Haunted Forest activity, daily bounties, new loot and ultimately ending by kicking off a new quest line to avenge the murdered Master Ives.
For more information related to Festival of the Lost click here to see Bungie's post.
Iron Banner
Lord Saladin return to the tower this week for the second Iron Banner of Season 4. The game mode is Control.
There will be a few changes from the season's first Iron Banner including:
- Each bounty will now offer a powerful reward
- Lightbearer Bounty: Reduced Super kills to 20 from 25
- Iron in the Blood Bounty: Reduced match completions to 15 from 30
- Shine On Bounty: Reduced Orbs generated to 50 from 100
- Iron Victory Bounty: Reduced match wins to 7 from 10
- To Be Precise Bounty: Reduced precision kills to 50 from 100
- All in a Week’s Work Bounty: Reduced kills to 150 from 250
- Certain items from Lord Saladin's inventory, with curated rolls, will be available for direct purchase with each bounty completion.
2x/3x Valor
During Iron Banner all Valor gains will be increased, allowing Guardians to earn double and triple Valor points. This is the perfect opportunity to grind out those resets if you're chasing the Redrix Broadsword.
- Double Valor: 10/16–10/19
- Triple Valor: 10/19–10/23
Here’s the rest of your reset activities for the week of October 16th – October 23rd
Flashpoint: Mars
Participate in public events, lost sectors, and heroic adventures to complete the weekly Flashpoint milestone and claim your powerful gear.
Powerful gear is rewarded each week for your 1st and 5th match completions. Weekly playlist: Iron Banner: Control
Here's the steps involved in obtaining the 2 crucible rank weapons
As irony would have it, I forgot to add Not Forgotten to the graphic last week. It's fixed now - thanks @Tardy_ for showing me the error of my ways.
NightFall: Choose your own Adventure
Here's the 3 Nightfalls and possible strike specific loot
- Lake of Shadows - Militia's Birthright
- The Hollowed Lair - Mindbender's Ambition
- Warden of Nothing - Warden's Law Hand Cannon
Escalation Protocol
This week's boss is Naksud, the Famine dropping the IKELOS Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, and SMG
Level 3 and 5 completions include chests for regular gear with a drop chance for the sparrow, ghost, and ship. Level 7 completions include EP shaders and a weapon chance which drops as an engram from the boss as well as a chest for EP armor which requires a decrypted cache key to open
For more detailed information on Escalation Protocol click here to visit Bungie's help page
Heroic Playlist
Raid: Leviathan
You can now find the Leviathan Raids by clicking Nessus in the director.
Raid Lair: Eater of Worlds
Raid Lair Challenges
- Clean Sweep - Clear each major encounter
- Moments of Power - Generate orbs multiple times
- The Big Numbers - Get precision kills
Raid Lair: Spire of Stars
Raid Lair Challenges
- Mine all Mine - Complete every major encounter in the Raid Lair: Spire of Stars
- Fistful of Light - Generate orbs of light
- Random Element - Get kills with elemental damage
Remember all progress on the Leviathan raid is reset as well as raid keys. Clan XP goals are also reset as each player can earn a cap of 5000 XP per character for a powerful engram while total clan XP is capped at 100,000.
Allons-y, Guardians!