Eyes up, Guardians! The first Iron Banner of Season 6 starts now!
Iron Banner and Double Valor
Start: 10 AM PDT on March 26
End: 10 AM PDT on April 2
There's some changes to Iron Banner this time around. Here's the detailed information from last week's TWAB:
This season, Lord Saladin has a few new tricks up his ironclad sleeve. We’re introducing two new consumable items that will change the flow of combat through temporary Power level adjustments.
Iron Burden
The Iron Burden consumable is for the best of the best to challenge themselves by lowering their Power by 100, putting more focus on skill, strategy, and gunplay. With greater risk comes greater reward. For the brave, Saladin will be offering the Iron Burden consumable for purchase with 5 Iron Banner Tokens. There will be a new Triumph you can complete this Season by defeating 500 opponents while the Iron Burden debuff is active. Completing it will reward you with an updated version of Wizened Rebuke that is fully Masterworked and has a curated roll. You don’t have to complete this during the first event. Your progress will carry over to the next Iron Banner.
Wolf’s Favor
For those of you who find yourselves in PvE activities more frequently, the Wolf’s Favor consumable has been added as an invitation to try your hand in the Iron Banner. These consumables, which will drop with limited availability, grant a temporary 100 Power increase, up to a cap of 700, for 30 minutes. Our goal here is to help those who don’t normally play Crucible take a step in to the action.
The Wolf’s Favor consumable has a chance to drop from completing the following daily and weekly challenges:
- Daily Heroic story mission
- Vanguard strikes
- Nightfall
- Flashpoints
- Gambit (Forsaken only)
- Weekly milestones from Ikora and Hawthorne
Bounties have been updated to provide more choice and address feedback from previous Seasons over how long it took to earn progress toward various objectives. Each bounty will grant a powerful reward upon completion. Additionally, completion of a bounty will unlock the ability to direct purchase specific rewards from Lord Saladin. Saladin will also offer a new emblem you can pick up after completing all the weekly bounties called the Weight of Guilt. It will track higher-Power opponents defeated while under the effects of The Iron Burden. We have also added an updated version of Orewing’s Maul with random rolls that will drop from match completion and from token packages.
Here’s your reset activities for the week of March 26th - April 2nd
The Dreaming City
Map from https://lowlidev.com.au/destiny/
Flashpoint: Nessus
Participate in public events, lost sectors, and heroic adventures to complete the weekly Flashpoint milestone and claim your powerful gear.
Powerful gear is rewarded each week for your 1st and 5th match completions. Weekly playlist: Iron Banner
NightFall: Choose your own Adventure
Here's the 3 Nightfalls and possible strike specific loot
- The Inverted Spire - Trichromatica
- A Garden World - Universal Wavefunction
- The Corrupted - Horror's Least
Black Armory Powerful Frames
- Bow
- Auto Rifle
- Machine Gun
Escalation Protocol
This week's boss is Kathol, Roar of Xol dropping the IKELOS SMG
Level 3 and 5 completions include chests for regular gear with a drop chance for the sparrow, ghost, and ship. Level 7 completions include EP shaders and a weapon chance which drops as an engram from the boss as well as a chest for EP armor which requires a decrypted cache key to open
For more detailed information on Escalation Protocol click here to visit Bungie's help page
Heroic Playlist
You can now find the Leviathan Raids by clicking Nessus in the director. There is conflicting information from different APIs regarding the Leviathan raid and the director no longer says what the challenge mode is. The API has been wonky since Foresaken launched. Hopefully, Bungie will fix this soon.
Order: Gauntlet > Pools > Gardens > Calus
Prestige Modifiers
- Kinetic: Anything
- Energy: Fusion Rifle
- Power: Fusion Rifle
Arsenal: Weapons have no reserve ammo. Emptying the clip of a weapon refills the clips of your holstered weapons.
Raid Lair Challenges
- Clean Sweep - Clear each major encounter
- Moments of Power - Generate orbs multiple times
- The Big Numbers - Get precision kills
Prestige Modifiers
- Kinetic: Anything
- Energy: Fusion Rifle
- Power: Fusion Rifle
Arsenal: Weapons have no reserve ammo. Emptying the clip of a weapon refills the clips of your holstered weapons.
Raid Lair Challenges
- Mine all Mine - Complete every major encounter in the Raid Lair: Spire of Stars
- Fistful of Light - Generate orbs of light
- Random Element - Get kills with elemental damage
Raid Challenge
- Keep Out: Kill the Might of Riven Knights before they enter the center chamber
Raid Challenge
- To Each Their Own: Each member of the team needs to break one of the Insurrection Prime’s shield weak points. No player can shoot more than one and no player cannot shoot one.
Seasonal Roadmap
For additional information regarding activities and gear check out the Season of the Drifter page here
Allons-y, Guardians!