Eyes up, Guardians!
Update 2.2.1 (April update) is live. Since the patch notes are too lengthy to list in this post you can review the full notes here
A few highlights that jumped out at me (other than all the arc subclass tweaks):
- The Wardcliff Coil - Reduced PvE damage by 25% against bosses and vehicles. Seem like a strange choice for Arc week.
- Four new Exotic weapon catalysts are now available to drop in Nightfall, strikes, and the Crucible - Prospector (Nightfall, strikes); Rat King (Nightfall, strikes); Hard Light (Nightfall, strikes); SUROS Regime (Crucible)
- Ada-1 will now offer all seven weapon frames each week. However, players can still complete only two powerful frames each week, at which point remaining frames are removed until weekly reset
- Reckoning Tier 2 and Tier 3 boss kills now always have a chance to award a Gambit Prime weapon and chances for weapon rewards increase each time a boss is killed without a weapon drop
- Gunsmith reputation packages now only reward Gunsmith Weapons
- One Thousand Voices: Increased drop rate from 5% ? 10%
- Xûr's inventory now offers random rolled perks for armor
Here’s your reset activities for the week of April 9th - April 16th
The Dreaming City
Map from https://lowlidev.com.au/destiny/
Flashpoint: Io
Participate in public events, lost sectors, and heroic adventures to complete the weekly Flashpoint milestone and claim your powerful gear.
Powerful gear is rewarded each week for your 1st and 5th match completions. Weekly playlist: MAYHEM
NightFall: Choose your own Adventure
Here's the 3 Nightfalls and possible strike specific loot
- A Garden World - Universal Wave Function
- The Arms Dealer - Tilt Fuse
- The Hollowed Lair - Mindbender's Ambition
Escalation Protocol
This week's boss is Naksud, the Famine dropping the IKELOS Sniper, SMG, and Shotgun
Level 3 and 5 completions include chests for regular gear with a drop chance for the sparrow, ghost, and ship. Level 7 completions include EP shaders and a weapon chance which drops as an engram from the boss as well as a chest for EP armor which requires a decrypted cache key to open
For more detailed information on Escalation Protocol click here to visit Bungie's help page
Heroic Playlist
You can now find the Leviathan Raids by clicking Nessus in the director. There is conflicting information from different APIs regarding the Leviathan raid and the director no longer says what the challenge mode is. The API has been wonky since Foresaken launched. Hopefully, Bungie will fix this soon.
Order: Pools > Gauntlet > Gardens > Calus
Prestige Modifiers
- Kinetic: Hand Cannon
- Energy: Sniper Rifle
- Power: Anything
Prism: Attacks matching the rotating element do more damage. Other elemental damage is reduced. Incoming damage is unaffected.
Raid Lair Challenges
- Clean Sweep - Clear each major encounter
- Moments of Power - Generate orbs multiple times
- The Big Numbers - Get precision kills
Prestige Modifiers
- Kinetic: Hand Cannon
- Energy: Sniper Rifle
- Power: Anything
Prism: Attacks matching the rotating element do more damage. Other elemental damage is reduced. Incoming damage is unaffected.
Raid Lair Challenges
- Mine all Mine - Complete every major encounter in the Raid Lair: Spire of Stars
- Fistful of Light - Generate orbs of light
- Random Element - Get kills with elemental damage
Raid Challenge
- Summing Ritual: Players must summon and kill Ogres by activating the incorrect plates
Raid Challenge
- All for One, One for All: All players in the fireteam must “collect” each buff in the vault encounter.
Seasonal Roadmap
For additional information regarding activities and gear check out the Season of the Drifter page here
Allons-y, Guardians!