It's no secret people aren't that happy with the new Pursuits tab that Bungie released alongside the Season of Opulence. Cluttered, unorganised, and shunted off to the side alongside your destinations, the mission-checking page has become a bit of a pain to get to, or use.

There have been some solutions offered forward. Reverting the change has been a big one, while others are suggesting a hotkey that opens the tab straight up - the "P" key seems to be a popular option that Guardians have been suggesting for the PC version of the title.

One creative Guardian - u/Storm_Worm5364 - has gone one step further still, and dropped a gorgeous looking redesign on social media earlier this week. Designed to separate quests, bounties, containers, and everything that is currently squashed and cluttered on the Pursuits page, it was instantly met with positive reception from other players wanting to see the tab re-worked again.

Storm_Worm made sure they explained their choices in the images as well: "I can point some things out that people may not have noticed at first glance."

"Under the Quests 'In Your Sights' and 'Hush, Little Baby', you can see three little bars, one of which is lit up. They represent the number of objectives within that quest that you still have yet to complete. The objective showcased on screen would rotate every 5 seconds or so, and those bars you light up in correspondence to their objective.

"The "Test of Strength" quest also has a green gradient behind it. Probably self-explanatory, but it's supposed to show the player that they are tracking that quest. I think the green gradient behind it really makes it distinguishable, but not enough to be jarring."

The avid designer also answered questions about what the screen would do once quests and missions that were currently showing there had been completed: "Triumphs that are near completion could show up there. This could potentially give players the incentive to complete said Triumphs since they would be right next to the Bounties, which players are constantly checking. Catalysts, Badges or even Seals could also show up there."

So what do you think - is this a better design than Bungie has released alongside the Season of Opulence? Would you like to see the Pursuits tab change to this, or something similar in the near future, or are you happy with the current re-design?"

See the full design here.