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Free exotic Destiny 2 weapons, items available through Twitch Prime rewards program

Bungie has recently announced that they have teamed up with Twitch to bring in-game rewards to any players of Destiny 2 with a Twitch Prime membership. These in-game rewards will come in the form of monthly drops that will each contain 4 rewards and will continue for the next 6 months.

These drops will contain various Exotic and Legendary rewards such as Weapons, Ghosts, Ships, Sparrows, Emotes and Weapon Ornaments.

To start off with a free trial of Twitch Prime, click here and create an account. Once the membership has been started, visit this page to link your Bungie account to your Twitch Prime account. Once this is done you now have instant access to the first drop of rewards from Amanda Holliday which will be available until February 25.

The rewards for this month include:

SUROS Regime

SUROS Regime Ornament - Coupe de Main

Unsecured/OUTCRY Ship

Skyline Flipside Ghost Shell

It’s immediately noticeable that all of these Exotics are quite old with most of them being released with the Warmind expansion in mid-2018. It seems that these Twitch Prime rewards are most likely aimed at newer players who have not yet obtained these Exotics as many veteran players would have obtained these items years ago. 

Many of these items are also contained within the Fond Memories seasonal engram that is obtained upon every 5 ranks of the Season Pass. This means that it’s entirely possible that players that only started playing this season could have many of these items.

It is still unlikely though that many veteran players have every single Ship, Sparrow, and Ghost Shell so it’s possible that these Twitch Prime drops could be used to round out their collection.

SUROS Regime is a really nice drop for new players though as it is a solid Auto Rifle that is extremely easy to use while still being able to shred through enemies. The Ship and the Ghost Shell, while they look cool, don't offer a whole lot to the player.

The full list of items available over the six-month release has been leaked by reputable Twitter user @JpDeathBlade with him tweeting the following image:

As you can see the top row shows the already confirmed rewards of the SUROS Regime, Skyline Flipside Shell and unsecured/OUTCRY Ship. If this image is correct then starting from February 25th Twitch Prime members will be able to pick up the Praxic Finery Sparrow, Poultry Petting Emote, Sails of Osiris Ship and Age of Tomorrow Shell from Amanda Holliday.


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