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Trials of Osiris set to return to Destiny 2 in upcoming season, dataminers reveal

At this point in time Bungie its almost no secret that Bungie has decided, and has been developing for some time, to bring back the fan-favorite mode Trials of Osiris back to the Destiny franchise.

Trials of Osiris was a competitive PvP event introduced into Destiny 1 on May 22nd 2015 that ran through each weekend. The event contained the mode Elimination that pitted two teams of three against each other in a ‘first to 5 rounds’ match that focused on positioning and teamwork.

In Elimination, players were only given 1 life per round, with teammate revives being permitted, and the aim of the round is to eliminate all 3 players on the enemy team.

The main draw of this event was The Lighthouse, a secret public space containing special loot that was only given access to players if they were able to win 8 matches of Elimination in a row.

This was no small feat as since there was no matchmaking for this event, players were always up against premade teams of 3 that would be putting in their all with callouts and team firing.  

This mode single-handedly caused the popularity of Destiny 1 to skyrocket as many popular streamers played the game regularly with them joining up with the members of their community to help them get their 8 wins to get to The Lighthouse. 

Trials of Osiris made a semi comeback in Destiny 2 with the introduction of Trials of the Nine but this mode did not have the same charm as the original and so quickly died off enough that Bungie decided to remove it.  

Over the past few months, however, there have been many little hints pointing at the return of Trials of Osiris with a major leak happening today that all but confirms it. Let's start from the beginning:

  • Community Members Flown out to Bungie - Many months ago, popular community members such as King Gothalion and DrLupo were flown out to Bungie to test various upcoming features of the game as well as a new competitive PvP mode. Now this could have just been Elimination but this mode was also within the public Crucible Labs for testing for some time so it seems unlikely that its the same mode.
  • Placeholder Trails Card Found - A user by the name of DVS (@A_DVS_NTT) tweeted the following picture:

This was found through a bug within the Private Match screen. Those of you who played Trials of Osiris in Destiny 1 will notice that this placeholder image looks extremely familiar. The small checkboxes at the lower end of the card look almost exactly the same as the card found within Trials of Osiris. 

  • Return of Elimination - With the release of Shadowkeep came the reintroduction of the Elimination game mode. It was stated before that Elimination was the game mode present within Trials of Osiris and it just seems odd to bring this mode back as a standalone without pairing it down the line with Trials of Osiris.
  • Data Mining - Community data miner Ginsor took to searching through the game's files when the latest Update 2.7.1 hit in order to find anything that Bungie may have hidden. He came across what appears to be a new voice line or text that says the following:

[EDAC1366]: With the restoration of the Lighthouse complete, Trials of Osiris and more will return in Season of the Worthy.

Many within the community are speculating that this text, and Trials of Osiris itself, will be linked to the Season of Dawn’s Empyrean Foundation releasing later in the Season.

It's entirely possible this Empyrean Foundation will be some sort of community event to unlock Trials of Osiris for the following Season as a secret Triumph involves the player donating atleast 5,000 Polarized Fractaline to the restoration of the Empyrean Foundation.

Stay tuned for more information about Trials of Osiris as its revealed or leaked.


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