Where is Xur in Destiny 2 today? The exotic and mysterious gear merchant, otherwise known as the Agent of the Nine, is ready to sell you some new exotic weapons and armor in exchange for your legendary shards.
Xur has arrived in the Tower this week to offload his wares onto fresh-faced Guardians hoping to try their luck in the newly released Trials of Osiris game mode. The Agent of the Nine can be found in the Tower Hangar behind the Dead Orbit HQ, just up a set of stairs on a small platform.
Exotic Weapon - Coldheart
Cost - 29 Legendary Shards
Coldheart is an Exotic Trace Rifle that deals Arc damage. It’s Exotic perks read:
- Cold Fusion - This weapon shoots a stead cold fusion-powered laser
- Longest Winter - Coldheart’s laser does exponentially more damage the longer it remains on target.
Coldheart is an extremely fun weapon to use, same as all Trace Rifles, that can double as a decent option for both Boss DPS and enemy clearing. Its large Magazine and high Stability make it easy to take full advantage of its Longest Winter perk which increases the damage by 80% as long as the beam remains on an enemy. This increase in damage scales up to the 80% increase over a quick 2.5 seconds so don't worry if the beam falls off target, it will quickly regain the lost damage.
Coldheart also has a fairly large amount of reserve ammo so with some extra reserve increasing perks and a Special Ammo Scavenger perk Coldheart can essentially be used as a primary weapon.
The Exotic Catalyst for Coldheart can be obtained by killing enemies in, or completing, Strikes and Nightfalls. The Catalyst requires 300 kills with Coldheart to complete and will give a +18 stat bonus to both Stability and Reload Speed.
Hunter Exotic - Lucky Pants
Cost - 23 Legendary Shards
Lucky Pants are a piece of Exotic Leg armor that is exclusive to the Hunter subclass. Its Exotic perk reads:
- Illegally Modded Holster - “Precision hits load on round to the chamber of stowed Hand Cannons. Hand Cannons ready faster and are more accurate immediately after swapping to them”
As you can see this Exotic is based around the use of Hand Cannons. It should be noted that it just says Precision hits are needed to load a round not Hand Cannon Precision hits so the player does not need to use Hand Cannons in both Kinetic and Energy slots.
The Lucky Pants are a relic from earlier in Destiny 2’s lifespan when many Special weapons today like Shotguns and Snipers were Power weapons so players would be using two primaries in their Kinetic and Energy slots.
Nowadays many players use a single primary weapon such as a Hand Cannon along with a Sniper or Shotgun so it can be very difficult to get consistent precision hits to load the extra rounds into the stowed Hand Cannon.
It’s still possible to run a Scout Rifle with a stowed Hand Cannon to get those extra rounds but its not exactly a recommended loadout.
The extra ready speed and accuracy is certainly welcome but it’s not as much of a difference as you would expect for taking up an Exotic slot.
This Exotic deserves a rework to bring it in line with the current Destiny sandbox, as it stands its a fairly worthless Exotic. If you are low on Legendary shards its best to skip buying this.
Titan Exotic - Ashen Wake
Cost - 23 Legendary Shards
Ashen Wake is a pair of Exotic Gauntlets for the Titan class. Their Exotic perk reads:
- Bring the Heat - Fusion Grenades now explode on impact and gain increased throw speed. Final blows with Fusion Grenades grant grenade energy.
These Gauntlets were just recently buffed at the start of Season of Worthy where the return on grenade energy clause was added to the perk description. This energy refund scales with the level of enemy killed with minor enemies granting 20-25% grenade energy while Boss enemies will grant full grenade energy regeneration.
This Exotic works really well with middle-tree Sunbreaker and its Roaring Flame perk which increases the damage of the subclasses abilities when a kill is gained with said abilities. This can stack up to 3 times to grant a 90% damage increase.
With this combination, you have a buffed Fusion Grenade that is dealing 90% extra damage and is quickly regenerating when obtaining kills. On top of this the Throwing Hammer is also dealing 90% more damage that can be picked up to throw again.
With the recent buff, Ashen Wake has become significantly better, although it begs the question: Why not simply use a powerful weapon with Demolitionist to get basically the same amount of grenade energy returns while leaving an Exotic slot free for another piece of armor? Even with this buff Ashen Wake still isn't top tier although its still strong with the right build.
Warlock Exotic - Chromatic Fire
Cost - 23 Legendary Shards
Chromatic Fire is an Exotic Chest piece for Warlock class. Its Exotic perk reads:
- Crystalline Transistor - Precision kills with your Kinetic weapon create an explosion in the element of your equipped subclass.
Chromatic Fire is an interesting Exotic as at a glance it seems like it could be quite powerful but unfortunately, it comes off as fairly gimmicky.
Depending on the element of the equipped subclass the perk causes a Solar, Arc or Void explosion when a precision kill is scored with a Kinetic weapon.
This explosion has comparable range and damage to a typical Dragonfly explosion. That right there should be all you need to know, an EXOTIC has a perk that is very similar in function to a simple LEGENDARY weapon perk.
Chromatic Fire can pair very nicely with the Exotic Hand Cannon ‘Ace of Spades’ though as it is the only case of a Kinetic weapon having the Dragonfly perk. This means that a precision kill with Ace will activate both the Dragonfly perk and Crystalline Transistor perks resulting in double explosions.