Where is Xur in Destiny 2 today? The exotic and mysterious gear merchant, otherwise known as the Agent of the Nine, is ready to sell you some new exotic weapons and armor in exchange for your legendary shards.
Xur, the mysterious Agent of the Nine, has arrived at the planetoid Nessus this week to begin bartering with Guardians who have Legendary Shards burning a hole in their pockets.
Xur is located in the Watcher’s Grave where Emperor Calus’ barge is located. Simply head towards the floating vessel and board it from the open ramp at the rear. Xur has seated himself in the large open area on the top level of the barge.
This week Xur is selling the following:
Exotic Weapon - Tractor Cannon
Cost - 29 Legendary Shards
Tractor Cannon is a Heavy Shotgun that deals Void damage.
Its two unique perks read:
- Repulsor Force - This weapon emits a powerful impulse that pushes enemies away, suppresses their abilities, and makes them more vulnerable to all incoming damage.
- The Scientific Method - Damaging an opponent temporarily increases speed and handling.
Repulsor Force is an extremely powerful perk that has many effects rolled into one. Tractor Cannon is technically a Shotgun but instead of firing numerous pellets it instead fires a single propulsion wave that deals high damage and can knock back Minor enemies, Major enemies as well as enemy Guardians in the Crucible.
This can be used to knock back enemies rushing the wielder to give some breathing room, or to insta-kill enemies by knocking them off cliffs.
This propulsion wave also suppresses all enemies who are hit by the wave, making them unable to cast any abilities for a short time as well as instantly returning a Guardian using their Super to their regular state.
This suppression ability is extremely useful in both PvE and PvP. In PvP it can stop an enemy Guardian from rampaging across the map with their Super. In PvE, not only does the suppression stop enemies from casting abilities but also causes those hit to stop firing and cover their face in a daze for a few seconds, allowing the player to easily finish them off.
A major factor for using the Tractor Cannon is that it can also massively boost the overall DPS of the Fireteam. Any enemies hit by the propulsion wave fired from the weapon will be given a debuff that causes them to take a 30% increase in damage from all sources. In PvP this percentage is taken up to 50%.
Due to its suppression and DPS boosting capabilities, Tractor Cannon is a powerful weapon in activities such as Gambit and Raids. Well worth the 29 Legendary Shards.
Warlock Armor - Starfire Protocol
Cost - 23 Legendary Shards
Starfire Protocol is an Exotic Chest piece that is used for the Solar subclasses. Its Exotic perk reads:
- Fusion Harness - “Fusion Grenades have an additional charge and recharge from empowered weapon damage. Fusion grenade kills grant Rift energy.”
If the player has the Solar Fusion Grenade equipped they will receive two charges of the grenade which will recharge if an enemy is damaged from a source of empowered weapon damage, mainly granted from the Warlock’s melee ability ‘Guiding Flame’.
If the player kills an enemy with a Fusion Grenade they will be granted a small amount of Rift energy.
In most situations, this Exotic is not worth the Exotic slot as Fusion Grenades themselves are fairly sub-par but there is one loadout that it can really shine in.
If the player takes on a more support build with the Well of Radiance subclass they now have two grenades that can be converted into a shield-granting pick up using the ‘Divine Protection’ perk. Very useful if a player is also trying to solo any harder content such as Nightfalls or Dungeons.
Hunter Armor - The Dragon’s Shadow
Cost - 23 Legendary Shards
The Dragon’s Shadow is an Exotic Chest piece for the Hunter class. Its Exotic perk reads:
- Wraithmetal Mail - Dodging reloads all weapons and increases both movement and weapon handling speeds for a brief time.
The Dragon’s Shadow is a top tier PvP Exotic. Dodging is already a powerful ability in its own right as it allows the player to instantly reposition when outnumbered or when caught out in the open. This Exotic reloads not just the equipped weapon when dodging but ALL weapons when dodging which can be very useful for weapons with slow reloads such as Shotguns and Machine Guns. The extra movement and weapon handling speeds is also extremely noticeable once Dodge is used, giving the player the advantage in many PvP engagements.
The Dragon’s Shadow was also given an indirect buff when the cooldown on class abilities was slightly reworked. Now, the stats on Mobility, Recovery and Resilience affect the cooldown on the class abilities for Hunters, Warlocks and Titans respectively. If a Hunter invests their stats in Mobility, the cooldown for Dodge can be lowered all the way down to less than 10 seconds. This means that the Dodge ability will be available for almost every engagement in a PvP match.
Titan Armor - Wormgod Caress
Cost - 23 Legendary Shards
Wormgod Caress is a set of Exotic Gauntlets for the Titan class. The Exotic perk reads:
- Burning Fists - Melee kills increase melee damage for a period of time. Additional kills extend duration and increase effects.
Wormgod Caress is a melee-based Exotic that can deal massive amounts of damage if its short-timed stacks can be managed correctly.
After a melee kill, the player will be given the Burning Fists buff which will last 5 seconds. While this buff is active the player will do increased melee damage. If another melee kill is achieved before the buff runs out, the Burning Fists buff will increase to x2 and the 5-second timer will reset.
This buff can stack up to 5 times with each kill resetting the timer. Here are the current damage multipliers for each stack:
- 1x - 1.8
- 2x - 2.7
- 3x - 4.9
- 4x - 6.2
- 5x - 7.5
This means that at 5 stacks of the Burning Fist buff the player will be doing an extra 650% damage with their melee attacks that lasts as long as they can obtain melee kills to refresh the timer.
This is an extremely powerful Exotic that is unfortunately so powerful that Bungie had to disable it due to a bug that is proving difficult to squash.
Many weeks ago, a bug was discovered by the community that allowed the wielder to bypass the 5-second timer and retain the 5 stacks of Burning Fists for a constant increase of melee damage. Wormgod Caress was disabled until Bungie was able to fix the issue in a recent patch but it seems that the issue was not properly fixed as the bug still remains and Bungie had to disable the Exotic for a second time.
There is no word on when a fix will be delivered so that players can continue to use Wormgod Caress. The Exotic is still well worth purchasing though even if you can't use it immediately, just stick it in your Vault and hope Bungie fixes it soon.