The pinnacle PvP event known as Iron Banner has returned this week for Guardians to test their mettle against each in The Crucible and earn exclusive gear. An interesting addition to this Season’s Iron Banner is the inclusion of an exclusive Ritual weapon that can only be earned through the game mode itself.
The weapon is a Precision Frame Combat Bow known as ‘Point of the Stag’ and it comes preloaded with some interesting perks that have yet to be seen on a Bow. Point of the Stag can be obtained through a lengthy quest that involves capturing Zones, completing Iron Banner matches and obtaining Final Blows with certain weapon types.
It’s important to note that Power Level advantages are enabled in Iron Banner so this could be a rough time if you happen to be a lower level as you will be dealing less damage, and taking more damage from, enemy Guardians at a high Power level. It seems like a large percentage of the population is around 980-1000.
Another note is that a significant amount of these quest steps will count cumulatively through each step. As an example, the first step requires 10 zones captured and the second step requires 20 zones captured.
Once the first step is completed and the player moves onto the second, the 20 zones captured objective will instantly be at 10/20 as it counts the 10 captured in the first step. The only objectives that don't work this way are the weapon final blows, they will each need to be completed when on that certain quest step.
Here’s how to get this new Ritual Weapon after grabbing the quest ‘Cast in Iron’ from Lord Saladin at the Tower:
Step 1 - Super Smelting
30 Opponents Defeated
The wording of ‘opponents defeated’ means that this objective counts both final blows and assists against enemy Guardians as a point each. Be sure to combine fire with allies to damage as many opponents as you can to obtain a large number of assists/kills to progress this part quickly.
10 Zones Captured
The 10 Zone captures is pretty simple as well, just be constantly moving throughout the match to capture enemy points and be sure to capture the free Zone at the start of the match.
3 Defeats with a Super
Use a roaming Super such as Dawnblade or Fist of Havoc to ensure a large number of kills instead of using a shutdown Super like Blade Barrage or Nova Bomb.
Step 2 - Clear the Cylinders
6 Matches Completed
All matches completed during the first step will count towards these objectives so this step will most likely start out at 3 or 4 out of 6 already
20 Zones Captured
Similarly to the Matches Completed objective above this step will start out at 10/20 since it counts the first steps captures. Follow the same steps listed in Step 1.
25 Hand Cannon Final Blows
This step only counts final blows, not assists, so be sure you are landing the final bit of damage to an enemy Guardian with a Hand Cannon to ensure a point towards this objective. Some great Hand Cannons to use for this step are the Spare Rations, Waking Vigil and Dire Promise.
Step 3 - Heat the Barrels
100 Opponents Defeated
Follow steps listed in Step 1, this objective could potentially already be above 70 or so opponents defeated by the time this step is reached.
30 Zones Captured
Follow the steps listed in Step 1.
20 Submachine Gun Final Blows
This step can be difficult depending on what map is being played on as a map like Widow’s Court does not play to the strengths of SMGs. Aim to clean up as many kills as possible while remaining within the ideal SMG range of close to mid-range. Some great SMG’s to use for this step are The Recluse, Cold Front and Antiope-D.
Step 4 - Harness the Elements
15 Defeats with a Super
Follow the steps listed in Step 1.
40 Zones Captured
Follow the steps listed in Step 1
15 Fusion Rifle Final Blows
Like the SMG objective in Step 3 its best to aim for this objective while on the closer range maps to avoid the headache as Fusion Rifles excel at close to medium range but really struggle at the longer ranges. Be sure to use High Impact Fusion Rifles like Erentil FR4, The Wizened Rebuke and Elatha FR4.
The Point of the Stag will drop at the end of this step.
Step 5 - Sharpen the Arrows
15 Matches Completed
By the time this step this reached it should already be at around 10/15 and should passively complete while going for the other objectives in this step
50 Zones Captured - Follow steps listed in Step 1.
10 Combat Bow Final Blows
Combat Bows excel at medium to long-range so unlike the previous steps, you want to use these on the large maps like Widow’s Court for the best chance of success.
The best Bow to use for this step is Le Monarque as on top of having great stats, it's a perk that creates an explosion of damaging poison gas can potentially lead to easy clean up kills that couldn't be obtained with other Bows.
If you don't have this Exotic than any other Legendary Bow will do just fine.
Step 6 - Polish the Armor
Return to Lord Saladin to complete the Iron Banner quest.
Here are the weapon’s perks:
- Elastic String
- Natural Fletching
- No Distractions or Archer’s Tempo
- Vorpal Weapon or Eye of the Storm
- Level 10 Accuracy Masterwork
Point of the Stag is a fairly unique Bow as perks like Vorpal Weapon have yet to be seen on this particular weapon class.
The main issue with Point of the Stag is that it’s a Bow. Bows have never really become a staple in the meta as they simply don’t do enough DPS in PvE activities and are extremely unforgiving in PvP as a single missed shot means you just straight up lose the 1v1 gunfight to almost any other type of weapon.
Not much would be lost by skipping this weapon but who knows, maybe Bows will be buffed next Season and Point of the Stag will become a true beast.