With each new Raid that is introduced into Destiny 2, there is normally an exclusive Exotic weapon that can only be obtained from completing this challenging activity. Previous examples of this are One Thousand Voices from The Last Wish, Anarchy from Scourge of the Past and Tarrabah from Crown of Sorrow. The problem that many players have with how these weapons are acquired is that it is simply a random chance, with some players reporting over 50 completions of a certain Raid without obtaining the respective Exotic weapon.
Bungie has heard the player complaints and has decided to tie the new Exotic ‘Divinity’, obtained through the newly released Garden of Salvation, to its own quest that upon completion is guaranteed to reward the weapon.
1 - Lunar Battlegrounds
To obtain the first part of the Divinity quest you need to head to the Lunar Battlegrounds section of the Moon. This is the part of the Moon you land in and progress through during the first story mission of the Shadowkeep campaign. Land at Sorrow’s Harbor and head south. Once you reach the large open area where you captured the Hive plates in the story mission be sure to head left down a large tunnel. After a short time, you will come across a large Vex Gate which is used to enter The Black Garden during the Garden of Salvation. Kill 3 waves of Vex emerging from the gate and the quest item “What’s this...What’s this?” will be awarded.
Oracles in Lost Sectors on Nessus
Within 3 Lost Sectors scattered across Nessus are 3 Oracles that will need to be interacted with to progress the quest. Once the Oracle is interacted with, a small amount of Vex enemies will spawn. Kill them and then interact with the Oracle again to achieve progress. The locations of the Oracles are as follows:
The Orrery in Artifact’s Edge
Before reaching the main stairs to the boss jump up to a small ledge on the left side and go down a narrow hallway. Kill the Vex at the end of the hallway and head left to find the Oracle.
Ancient Haunt in The Tangle
Midway through the Lost Sector, there will be a small cave on the left side.
The Conflux in The Cistern
Jump onto the main pillar in the center of the room and then jump across to the right to a small opening in the wall.
After these 3 Oracles have been interacted with, the quest will progress to the ‘Defragmentation’ step.
Collect Decryption Core Fragments
120 of these Decryption Core Fragments will need to be collected by either killing Vex on the Moon or during the Vex Offensive activity. The quickest way to progress this step is to load up Vex Offensive and simply progress through it as this mode contains a very large number of Vex enemies.
Collect Phantasmal Fragments
30 of these Phantasmal Fragments will need to be collected by killing Nightmares on the Moon or by buying them from the Lectern of Enchantment for 25 Helium Filaments each. If you do not wish to use precious resources from buying them then the best place to do this is in Sorrow’s Harbor as this has a large number of frequent Nightmare spawns.
Complete Puzzles within The Garden of Salvation
This step of the quest is the most time consuming and also the most tedious. This step also requires a full raid team to complete so be sure to hit up LFG (Looking For Game) sites and apps such as The Official Destiny Companion App or the Destiny 2 PC LFG server on Discord if you don’t have enough people to do this with. It is also important to note that it has been confirmed that all of these incoming puzzles need to be completed with one run-through of the raid. Going to Orbit and loading back in will wipe all progress of this stage of the quest.
First Puzzle
Once loading into the raid with your team, turn around and drop off the edge. Below is a small opening in the wall that contains a node that once interacted with will start the first puzzle, you will know it worked if “INITIATED: Security bypass protocol” appears in the bottom left of the screen. This first puzzle is before the first encounter of the raid. Once you have reached the top of a large set of stairs, turn around to find two small alcoves with one on each side.
In this puzzle, you will need to use the ‘tether’ mechanic found in many encounters of the raid to connect the right side and left side nodes to each other using the 6 members of the fireteam. This puzzle is easy enough with 3 players being on the left side alcove and 3 on the right with a simple zig-zag pattern connecting them. Once this is completed the message “ACCEPTED: Singular security bypass” appears.
Second Puzzle
This puzzle takes place after the first encounter. After the rewards chest, turn around and head over to the far right side of this area and there will be a very small opening that can be dropped down through. Look for a tree with pink leaves as this is very close to the opening. After dropping down to this new area it is important to assign each player a number 1 through 6 to prevent confusion and to ensure all players know the location they need to be standing. Once dropping down Player 1 is to stand on top of the circular platform right next to the small circular opening. All other players will crouch and head through the opening in the wall to the left of where Player 1 is standing.
Once through this hole, Player 2 will head right and stand near the same circular hole that Player 1 is standing on the other side of. Player 3 will simply stand around the left corner near a 2nd circular hole. The rest of the players will head into the same area as Player 2 to then head down into the next section. These players will head down and across a small chasm to then turn right, follow the left path under an outcropping and then immediately turn right again followed by another quick right. This will lead to another circular hole where Player 4 will stand near. From Player 4’s spot, the two remaining players will turn around, go straight until you hit a wall then turn left.
Once you see the outside sunlight, look left and crouch into a small tunnel. Go straight while hugging the right side and you will reach a platform with yet another circular hole, this is where Player 5 will stand. Player 6 will turn around and hug the left wall until they reach the small tunnel they previously came through. Once through, turn left to head outside. Once outside, turn left and follow this pathway all the way across and down to the left again. Once inside the cave, Player 6 will see a platform with a circular hole in front of it and to the right will be the starting point of the tether.
Once the tether is activated, it will need to be passed through line-of-site and through the circular holes back to where Player 1 is located so they can connect it to the ending node. Once completed the message “ACCEPTED: Singular security bypass” will appear. All players will then need to follow the path Player 6 took to get to their position back outside to climb the wall to progress.
Third Puzzle
This puzzle takes place after the first encounter, during the platforming section. Once in this area, head to the right side and look for a big branch coming out of the ceiling with several pods that can be shot for damage. Six nodes will appear in this area once the tether box is shot that will need to be tethered together between the players to progress the puzzle. Have one player next to the orange box, and another two players on the platform to the left of the big branch and another three on the long branch itself. You’re looking to form a tethered circle of sorts. Once all nodes have been tethered the same ACTIVATED message will appear.
Fourth Puzzle
This puzzle takes place after the third encounter. An orange tether box will spawn to the west of the small jumping puzzle and activating it will again small 6 nodes that need to be tethered between the players. This puzzle is again fairly straight forward with the 6 players forming a ring around the pillar to form a tether that hits 4 of the 6 nodes. Two of the nodes are in the air so one player will need to jump and hover in place to bring the tether up to hit the two remaining nodes.
Fifth Puzzle
This puzzle is activated in the same area of the previous puzzle, near the small jumping puzzle. The tether will link all 6 players together and as a group, you must take this tether to the other side of the jumping puzzle. An easy way to do this is to take the path to the left of the puzzle and then head around, instead of spending time trying to get 6 people across the jumping puzzle. While progressing through this hallway Supplicant Harpies will spawn and move towards the players.
Since you can’t shoot while tethered you will need to let the Harpies get close enough that they begin their explosion sequence, then quickly move away so that no players are killed. Once the Harpies have destroyed themselves, keep walking down this hallway and you will come across 6 more nodes that need to be tethered. Form a sort of bowtie shape between the 6 players to easily hit all 6 nodes.
Sixth Puzzle
This puzzle takes place after the third encounter and is after the wall climb. Head across the large open area, towards the waterfalls, and into a small cave. The starting tether node is down a path to the left and must be shot to spawn the end tether node towards the beginning up on the wall. This puzzle can be tricky as it requires each tether between players to be as long as possible before breaking, meaning any kind of misstep will result in the tethers being destroyed. The puzzle is simple and doesn’t require any kind of tricky positioning of players. All it needs is strong communication between players while moving the tether to ensure the tether is a long as possible without breaking.
Seventh Puzzle
This puzzle is starting in the same place as puzzle 6. Six plates will spawn on the ground along with a tether box. Once the puzzle is started and the players are tethered together, two nodes will appear that will display a pattern between the 6 plates. The players will need to replicate this pattern with the tether. Assign each player a number and have them stand on the plate that corresponds to that number in regards to the sequence of plates from the start point to the endpoint. An example of this is once the pattern presents itself, Player 4 will look at the pattern from the start point and count until they reach the fourth plate in the sequence. Player 4 will then go and stand on that plate. The players will need to repeat this 7 times with 7 different patterns in order to complete this last puzzle. Once completed the message “COMPLETED: All security bypassed” will appear.
Complete the Raid
Once the final boss of the raid has been completed, head down through the opening that appears behind the arena. Turn around and follow the path towards a veiled statue. At its feet will lie the regular rewards chest for completing the raid but there will also be a second chest that contains Divinity.