Bungie has announced today that they will be unable to deliver Beyond Light by the September 22 release date and will instead be pushing the release back to November 10.
This information was revealed via a Bungie blog post titled “Beyond Light Release Window Update,” where David ‘Deej’ Dague detailed what has caused this delay.
“As always, our goal is to make the coolest, most entertaining expansion we can possibly make for our fans. To that end, we are doing what’s best for the game and moving the launch date.” Deej says.
Deej then continues with, “The past few months have been a challenge and will continue to be during this pandemic. We’ve learned to create together in a new way, by having to work apart from one another. Despite these hurdles, we’re still committed to the same level of quality that our fans expect.”
In the past few months Bungie has been very open about the challenges they have faced with having a large portion of the company working from home due to the pandemic but have always remained optimistic that it wouldn't overly slow them down.
It appears that the difficulties associated with this have finally caught up with them and they have realised that a delay is needed in order to deliver a product that has the same quality as previous releases.

This delay now leaves a huge gap between the end of Season of Arrivals on September 22nd and the new release date of Beyond Light on November 10th. Deej clarified this by detailing that Season of Arrival would simply be extended until the new Beyond Light release date.
Even though Season of Arrival is being extended this still leaves a huge gap in content releases, fortunately Bungie Community Manager Dylan ‘dmg04’ Gafner has us covered with latest ‘This Week at Bungie’:
“Moments of Triumph will be extended to November 10, 2020. Cutting it close on some of those tougher Triumphs? Here’s a little extra time to finish them off.
- The show must go on: Festival of the Lost will now take place during Season of Arrivals, beginning on October 6.
- We’re planning a handful of ritual activity modifiers to look forward to:
- Increased Valor
- Increased Infamy
- Increased [REDACTED]
- A few additional Iron Banner events between September and November.
- And more…
We know that no amount of extra Infamy or Valor will keep your hunger satiated, but we will have a few more surprises to share on the road to launch. Stay tuned.”
There’s been a bit of speculation within the community that the ‘Increased [REDACTED]’ rewards could be an increase to the number of rewards granted from a completion of The Menagerie. This could be as one last ‘hurrah’ before the content is cycled out at the release of Beyond Light.
A new and slightly altered Season of Arrivals roadmap was shown that includes the newly added Festival of the Lost.

While this delay might be disappointing it can't be said that it is unexpected. The U.S, and most of the world, is facing a catastrophic situation at the moment and it's a miracle that the release has only been delayed by a little over a month.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light is now expected to release November 10 on Steam, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.