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Bungie Gives Look Into Changes Coming With Season 13

Season 13 Is Already Looking To Be An Exciting Time To Be A Guardian

Bungie lifted the veil on some of the biggest changes we can expect to see next Season. From a new title system to the resurgence of familiar rewards, here is everything we know we can expect in a few weeks.

With the This Week At Bungie update yesterday, we learned that Umbral Engrams will be making a substantial return next season. First debuting in Season of Arrivals, Umbral Engrams were a player’s chance to structure their loot rewards the way they wanted. By investing a seasonal currency, you were able to ensure you would pull from a specific loot pool or a high stat roll on armor.

Next season will bring these engrams back but with a few significant changes. First, they will not be dropping as frequently as they did before. Bungie has stated this was a bit of an oversight on their part in Season of Arrivals and hopes that this next season Umbrals will feel more exciting when they drop. The drops specifically will come from a set list of activities that includes:

  • Strikes
  • Crucible
  • Gambit
  • The Ordeal
  • Public Events
  • Blind Well
  • Nightmare Hunts
  • Exo Challenges
  • Empire Hunts
  • New Seasonal Activity

After obtaining an Umbral Engram you will need to use the new Prismatic Lens at the Prismatic Recaster to help you focus the Engram into your desired piece of equipment. So for example, if you are really hoping for a Helmet with high Intellect you will now be able to increase your chances at obtaining just that.

One of the most exciting changes coming next season will be the new addition of Gilded Titles. Currently in the game you are able to earn titles such as Flawless and Conquerer multiple times, season after season. Previously this has been an unrewarding fate as all you receive is the same Title you have already had in the game. However, with Season 13 Bungie is now adding in Gilded titles for Unbroken, Dredgen, Conqueror, and Flawless.

Now after unlocking one of these four titles, each season will feature an additional set of triumphs that will allow for your title to showcase Gold over your character. An example Bungie gives is “Win matches while the “Flawless Empyrean” emblem is equipped and the player is holding a seven-win ticket”. This will allow for titleholders to take their skills a step ever higher and showcase how serious they are in their work.

From the looks of it, getting a gilded title will be a tall order. These gold features will reset after each season currently making your title purple again at the start of every season. Meaning that you will need to complete each season’s extra triumphs to reactivate your gilded feature.

Aside from these two additions we can also expect the Moon Lost Sectors to now have Legendary and Master difficulties, Whisper alongside Outbreak and Felwinters are being added to the Exotic Kiosk, three new Exotic armor pieces will be unlockable, and even more. We also know from a tweet that Assistant Game Director Joe Blackburn will be unveiling an update on the future of Destiny sometime in Season 13. There is certainly no short order of events to come and you only have about 18 days to turn in your Seasonal bounties.

Still untitled officially, Season 13 is set to begin February 9th, 2021.

What did you think of the information on next Season?  Let me know in the comments or @Suttledge on Twitter.

I am live everyday on Twitch and on Twitter talking about Destiny, Coffee, and more.

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