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Bungie shares latest details on Destiny 2 Content Vault coming in Year 4

Here’s a detailed list of what exactly is leaving the game when Beyond Light is released.

When Destiny 2: Beyond Light launches on November 10, Bungie will be rotating out some older content in order to make room for the newer content.

Bungie themselves have said numerous times that they cannot continually add to the game without taking something away as this will bloat out the game’s file size to an unmanageable magnitude.

Bungie’s solution to this problem is the Destiny Content Vault, also known as the DCV.

The DCV will allow Bungie to take away some older content, tinker with it a bit over a period of time, and then possibly re-release it later on in the game’s lifecycle.

All Destiny 1 content is currently in the DCV and it has been confirmed by Lead Director Luke Smith that next year the Vault of Glass and two Destiny 1 Strikes will be returning to the Destiny 2 sandbox.

During the months since the DCV was announced there has been a significant amount of confusion amongst the community as to what exactly would be removed from the game come November 10th.

We know that Io, Mars, Titan, Mercury and the Leviathan will be entering the DCV but does this mean everything from these locations, including Exotics from quest rewards, would be leaving too?

In the latest ‘This Week at Bungie’ blog post Community Manager Chris ‘Cozmo’ Shannon gave a rundown on the exact activities, items and maps that would be leaving the game soon.


The general rule of thumb for content entering the DCV is that if a destination is placed into the DCV then all its associated activities and rewards go with it.

This rule is applied in a straightforward manner to the strikes from the destinations entering the DCV.

The following Strikes will be placed into the DCV:


  • The Pyramidion
  • The Festering Core


  • Savathun’s Song


  • Strange Terrain
  • Will of the Thousands


  • Tree of Probabilities
  • A Garden World


On November 10th the two Gambit modes will be condensed into a single playlist.

This new version of Gambit will be similar to Gambit Prime in that it will be a single round face off between the two teams.

The mode will feature tweaked Blockers, a heavier mote drain and some changes to the Primeval fight.

The following Gambit maps will be placed into the DCV:

  • Cathedral of Scars (Dreaming City)
  • Kell’s Grave (Tangled Shore)

Crucible Maps

Bungie plans for the Crucible map rotation to a ‘best of’ selection that will be pulled from both Destiny 1 and Destiny 2’s legacy.

This means that on November 10, a significant amount of Crucible maps will be leaving the rotation in order to make room for some older classics to be added at a later date.

The following Crucible maps will be moved in to the DCV on November 10th:

  • Meltdown
  • Solitude
  • Retribution
  • The Citadel
  • Emperor’s Respite
  • Equinox
  • Eternity
  • Firebase Echo
  • Gambler’s Ruin
  • Legion’s Gulch
  • Vostok

Crucible Playlists

To condense down the matchmaking pools Bungie will also be removing a large number of Crucible playlists from the Director.

These condensed matchmaking pools will likely improve the player experience by finding good connection games at a much faster rate.

The following Crucible playlists will be placed in to the DCV:

  • Supremacy
  • Countdown
  • Lockdown
  • Breakthrough
  • Doubles
  • Momentum Control
  • Scorched


It was clarified by Bungie that since all Destinations that the current Dungeons take place on are to remain in the game, this means that all Dungeons will remain.

Bungie states that the Prophecy Dungeon will be leaving the game for a short time, said to be a single Season, for the team to conduct a technical update on the activity.


Now here is the most controversial content that will be entering the DCV. Raids are the pinnacle endgame activity in the Destiny series and it will be very hard to see them go, especially such a large amount.

It is an odd decision for Bungie to remove Scourge of the Past from the game considering it takes place on Earth which is a Destination that will not be removed.

The following raids will be placed into the DCV:

  • Leviathan
  • Eater of Worlds
  • Spire of Stars
  • Scourge of the Past
  • Crown of Sorrows


A large amount of Exotics are tied to certain activities or destinations and so when these activities and destinations are placed into the DCV, so will the ability to earn these Exotics.

Bungie has stated that the Exotics themselves will not be placed into the DCV, only the original way to earn them. These legacy Exotics will become a part of a new Memorial kiosk situation near the Vault kiosks in the Tower.

It’s currently unclear what exactly this will entail. Will the player be able to simply purchase the Exotic in a similar way to Collections? Does the kiosk simply hand out a short quest that will reward the chosen Exotic?

Bungie has said they will share more on this Memorial kiosk later in the Season.

The following Exotics quests will be entering the DCV:

  • Sturm
  • MIDA Multi-Tool
  • Rat King
  • Legend of Acrius
  • Sleeper Simulant
  • Polaris Lance
  • Worldline Zero
  • Ace of Space
  • The Last Word
  • Le Monarque
  • Jotuun
  • Izanagi’s Burden
  • Thorn
  • Lumina
  • Truth
  • Bad Juju

Exotic Catalysts

As with the Exotics certain Catalysts are only available through certain activities and destinations. These Catalysts will be unable to be acquired until Bungie eventually gets around to placing these Catalysts into another loot pool.

This has been done previously when Bungie placed the Faction Rally Exotic Catalysts, like the Sunshot Catalyst, into the Strike playlist loot pool.

This did take many months though so be sure to get these Exotic Catalysts done before November 10:

  • Bad Juju
  • The Huckleberry
  • Izanagi’s Burden
  • Legend of Acrius
  • Polaris Lance
  • Skyburner’s Oath
  • Sleeper Simulant
  • Telesto
  • Outbreak Perfected
  • Whisper of the Worm
  • Worldine Zero

Misc. Content

There are a number of smaller activities that will be leaving the game into the DCV on November 10 even though their Destination will be staying within the game.

Both The Whisper and Zero Hour missions will no longer be present within the game as well as all Year 2 Seasonal content.

Here is a quick rundown of what’s leaving:

  • Ada-1, Black Armory, and Season of the Forge quests
  • Gambit Prime, Reckoning, and Season of the Drifter quests
  • Benedict-66, Werner 99-40, Menagerie, and Season of Opulence quests
  • Pinnacle and pursuit weapon quests. These weapons will still receive an alternate way to earn them in a later Season.


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