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Destiny 2's newest holiday brings Olympic-like "Guardian Games" event, new exotic gun

Before Season of the Worthy was released, a roadmap of the planned content was revealed that contained quite a few exciting details. A particular event caught the eye of many members of the community that was simply known as ‘Guardian Games.'

At the time not much was known about this event as nothing similar had happened before in Destiny but speculation abounded. Was this some kind of Guardian Olympics? Would the 3 classes be competing against each other for prizes and glory?

In the latest ‘This Week at Bungie’ blog post, Bungie has finally decided to give the community they have been craving since they caught sight of this event on the roadmap, and it turns out the speculation was mostly accurate.

How it Works

Guardians Games is a three-week event that will begin on the usual weekly reset time of Tuesday 10am PDT on April 21st.

To take part in this event, players must first pay a visit to Eva Levante in the Tower who will gift the player with a special class item. From here, players are able to earn daily bronze, silver and gold medals by equipping the class item, defeating enemies, picking up laurels on the battlefield and advance through the event quest.

Some of you may be wondering: How is this event at all fair since Hunters take up a much larger portion of the player base compared to the other two classes?

Bungie has thought about this above problem and has come up with a smart solution to keep the integrity of the competition intact. During the event, the points awarded to the classes by earning medals are slightly weighted towards the total class numbers.

This means that Hunters will be earning the least amount of points per medal, with Warlocks earning the most points and Titans earning somewhere in the middle.

This is a fantastic way to approach this as when the event was revealed on the roadmap many members of the community thought that Hunters would just clean-sweep the event. Hunters could still definitely win but at least this time it will be a fair competition.

Throughout the day, players will continue to earn medals and points for their class but once the daily reset hits the numbers will be finalized and a winner for the day will be declared. The winning class will have their class item reflect what their position on that day was with their class item taking on shining gold color. Second place will have their class item changed to silver and the third will be bronze.

At the end of the event, all these daily placements will be tallied up to give the final positions for the event. These final positions will then lock the class item colors to the appropriate colors for the remainder of the year. A permanent reminder of the winners will also be placed within the Tower itself for the year as a commemoration.


Ghost Shells

Each week, Eva Lavante will offer a unique quest that can be completed during the event to earn a special Exotic Ghost Shell. There are 3 of these Ghost Shells available with 3 quests tied to each Shell. Be sure to come back each week to complete these quests and obtain these exclusive Ghost Shells. 

Exotic Machine Gun

This will be the main draw for the event for many Guardians. A new Exotic Machine Gun known as the ‘Heir Apparent’ will be up for grabs during this event although it has yet to be revealed when or how Guardians will earn this prize. Not much is known about the gun itself either with the only hint being the following paragraph on the Guardian Games information page on

“You fall into second place as you reach for the last trick in your arsenal. The low hum assures you that you’ve pulled the trigger. It begins to spin. Slowly for a moment and then in an instant, blindingly fast. The roar of the Heir Apparent rises above the crowd, the tide turns, and the glory of your class is secured.”

The line “It begins to spin. Slowly for a moment and then in an instant, blindingly fast.” seems to suggest that the weapon might operate similarly to ‘Sweet Business’ where it will have a small windup phase before reaching its full fire rate.

Heir Apparent will most likely be tied to a special quest started through Guardians Games that revolves around earning a certain amount of points for your class.


Like all other events in Destiny 2, Eververse will be seeing a full vendor refresh complete with armor and other cosmetics to deck out your Guardian.

All of these items will be available for Bright Dust at some point during the three-week event with a single Finisher being the only ‘Silver-only’ item available. Guardian Games weekly bounties will also grant a nice amount of Bright Dust to ensure you will be able to purchase one or two of the most sought after items.

Guardians Games is a three-week event that will begin on the usual weekly reset time of Tuesday 10am PDT on April 21. The event will run until May 12.


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