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Bungie Continues To Swing The Ban Hammer On Cheaters

The Solar Hammer Of Justice Swings

Cheating has been around in gaming for years, and whether we want to admit it or not we have all used a Konami code or two in our lives. I still remember when I first discovered what the GameShark was and the first time I ever used ActionReplay with a Pokemon game.

But that was when I was 12, now I am a grown adult and I play games fairly, especially when it is against other people. Bungie has always had its woes with cheaters; they were no stranger in Halo as they are now in Destiny. However, the cheating scene in Destiny is more harmful due to the locked loot and title that comes with the end game PVP mode, Trials.

Trials is certainly not for the faint of heart. It is the end all be all for competitive Destiny players and is the strongest testament to one’s skill in the Crucible. Winning is hard, winning seven times in a row is harder, winning seven times in a row without losing once is almost impossible, and that is precisely what it takes to go “Flawless” in Trials.

To accomplish “Flawless” is a feat that many Guardians take pride in, and recently fewer and fewer can do so. This is all because of the prominent cheating taking place in the game mode.

Since the launch of Trials last year, cheating sites have grown like a bad fungal infection all over the internet, creating cesspools of dishonesty in the community. It seemingly went unchecked for a while, but recently, Bungie has been swinging the Hammer of Justice like a fully charged up Titan.  

It first started with PerfectAim, probably the largest cheating website around, when Bungie earlier last year sent a Cease and Desist order. Almost immediately after receiving the order, PerfectAim removed all traces of their Destiny cheats, and now their storefront is a disappointing landing page to wannabe hackers.  

The next biggest takedown to make headlines happened earlier this month when GatorCheats received their own Cease and Desist order. I first reported it in a tweet here, and I am happy to state that the entirety of GatorCheats website has now been cleaned due to Riot and Bungie’s lawsuit.

Aside from the takedowns, Bungie has made considerable strides in handling in-game reporting and acknowledging cheaters in the game. Now when you report a suspected cheater, you are given a follow-up confirmation on if they were banned or not.

Photo courtesy of @Pijinnn_

While the game still has its share of cheaters, it is impressive to see Bungie making large leaps to protect their player base. If you would like to read the full lawsuit Bungie has made against GatorCheats and similar websites, you can read the full transcript here

Have you ever experienced cheating in Destiny?  Let me know in the comments or @Suttledge on Twitter.

I am live everyday on Twitch and on Twitter talking about Destiny, Coffee, and more.

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