Three new Exotic armor pieces were released with Season of Dawn, one for each class. A weapon known as Symmetry was also released as a reward for the Seasonal Ranks with more Exotic quests being released throughout the season.
Here is a handy list of the new Exotics available at the moment:
Promethium Spur
"Pass the Torch, spread the fire"
Promethium Spur is a set of leg armor for Warlocks that has the perk 'Embers of Light'. The perks description reads:
"While Daybreak is active, defeating combatants or Guardians creates a Healing and Empowering Rift at their location."
Promethium Spur is ugly as sin but the perk does seem fairly strong at a glance. The perk creates BOTH a Healing and Empowering Rift on defeat of any enemy which would act as a Well of Radiance but obviously with less healing and damage.
Combined that with the fact it spawns on seemingly every enemy killed, this could cover a whole area in Rifts.
This begs the question though: If Daybreak is being used to clear out enemies then what are the Rifts used on if all the enemies are dead? Daybreak and Ember of Light seem to have a small amount of anti-synergy so I expect this Exotic to only be used in easy to mid-tier activities for a bit of fun.
Severance Enclosure
"The loop is made. Over and over until the conclusion. At that moment, severed fission."
Severance Enclosure is a new chest piece for Titans that has the perk 'Spheromatik Trigger'. The perk description reads:
"Defeating a Guardian with a melee attack or a combatant with a finisher releases a damaging explosion."
This Exotic has a similar function to the Hunters Assassin's Cowl and has the same limitations. Getting any kind of benefit from this Exotic requires too many things to line up perfectly. For PvP, an enemy must have low enough health to finish off with a single melee attack to activate the explosion and other enemies must be extremely close to even be damaged by the explosion.
The explosion does enough damage to surrounding Guardians to make clean up kills a lot easier but it still feels like the perfect situation for this Exotic world be fairly rare. In PvE, only a finisher is needed to activate the explosion which can be used to kill any surrounding enemies that are on the weaker side such as Thralls and Dregs. PvE seems like the activity that will be easiest to see some use with this Exotic but there are simply better options of Exotics to use.
The Bombardiers
"Tallulah Fairwind never turns down a dare" - Tallulah Fairwind.
The Bombardiers is another set of new Exotic leg armor, this time for the Hunters. The armor has the perk 'Parting Gift' with the description:
"Dodging leaves behind an explosive that detonates after a short delay, damaging enemies around it."
The explosive released from the dodge has good damage and has quite a large area of effect. One thing to also note is that the explosive is dropped from where the dodge starts and not where it ends. A case can be made for using it with Combination Blows and Gamblers Dodge to constantly melee and dodging around while releasing small explosions behind.
In close quarters Parting Gift can be used to finish off most low health enemies after an initial melee attack or if the first shot from a Shotgun or Fusion Rifle fails to kill. Other than this most dodging is done at a distance to avoid fire or to quickly get into cover if wounded so this explosion won't hit any enemies.
Weapon - Scout Rifle
- Symmetry - “Duality is not a curse, but a gift” - Author unknown
- Symmetry is a new Scout Rifle introduced into Destiny 2 with the Season of Dawn Seasonal Rank rewards. For Season Pass owners this Exotic is unlocked at Rank 1 while Free players will need to rank up to 35 to unlock the weapon. Symmetry is an Arc Energy weapon that fires at 260 RPM, the same fire rate as Randy’s Throwing Knife from last season. The Intrinsic perk and Exotic trait of the weapon read:
- Intrinsic - “Revolution - This weapon fires full auto. Hold reload to swap to Arc Seeker mode. Arc Seekers track toward enemies you target.”
- Exotic trait - “Dynamic Charge - Precision hits build up Dynamic Charge. Swapping to Arc Seeker mode increases damage and partially reloads the magazine based on the number of charges.”
Note that while in the Arc Seeker mode, rounds fired from Symmetry count as Unstoppable Rounds, making them highly effective against Unstoppable Champions.
The gameplay loop of the weapon involves firing it in its regular high fire rate mode and trying to score as many precision hits as possible to build up Dynamic Charge. Dynamic Charge stacks do not have any kind of timer until they are being used, the weapon can be swapped in and out of use while retaining the same amount of Dynamic Charge stacks.
Once Dynamic Charge has been built up the player can hold reload to swap modes and begin firing high damage Arc Seeker rounds at a slower rate of fire.
Once this mode is swapped to the player will be given 10 seconds to expend as many of the high damage rounds as they can before the damage is reset and the player must swap back to the regular fire mode to build up Dynamic Charge again.