Today's This Week At Bungie update seemed like a shorter update than what we have been getting leading up to Lightfall. However, at the very bottom right before the Movie Of The Week, Bungie gave us a huge update packed into a tiny sentence.
With Lightfall "Players can expect all Season 16-19 content to enter the DCV, excluding the Season 16 PsiOps Battlegrounds and the Season 19 Heist Battlegrounds, which will instead be added to the Vanguard Ops playlist beginning in Season 20."
What a line.
It seems as though Bungie is moving even farther away from making Vanguard Ops, Strike orientated. Battlegrounds are objectively quicker and more repetitive than Strikes in general and to me feel more hollow than a fully fledge strike. There are a couple good Battleground events I enjoy but for the most part this change confuses me. I expect Lightfall to land with at least two new Strikes, as Witch Queen did, and with this change I would not be suprised if we are given more Battlegrounds during Lightfall.
What suprised me the most though is how Bungie is keeping around Battlegrounds yet opting to vault activities like Vox Obscura, Ketchcrash, and Seraph's Shield. These activities are incredibly popular and offer players a unique activity and challenge you can not find elsewhere in-game.
I think it is time for Bungie to reevaluate what players enjoy most in Destiny 2. I would love to see a full playlist filled with Zero Hour, Whisper, Vox Obscura and more. Bringing these activities back in a "Forgotten Adventure" style playlist would certainly bring more engagement and joy than a quick Battleground run.
What do you think of the additions to the Content Vault? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter @Suttledge