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Destiny 2: Hotfix ⁠— Leviathan weekly Exotic lockout reinstated, more

New hotfix generates community outcry as Leviathan’s weekly Exotic lockout to be reinstated.

A new set of hotfix patch notes have been unveiled within the latest ‘This Week at Bungie’ blog post. The update, planned to go live on Tuesday 4th, will contain mostly general bug fixes but there is one ‘fix’ that has generated a small amount of community outcry.

Here are the full notes:

Nightfall: The Ordeal

  • Fixed an issue where the Ordeal version of Lake of Shadows was inaccessible at tiers above Adept for players who do not own Forsaken.
  • Fixed an issue where the Festering Core Master Nightfall was listed as 1080 Power in the Director, but was actually 750 Power.
  • Guardians should expect a much greater challenge when engaging with this strike.


  • Leviathan rewards of XP, Glimmer, and chances towards Exotic Engrams or Bright Engrams are now back on a weekly lockout.
  • Note: Weapons and armor are not affected by the weekly lockout, and can be earned multiple times a week.


  • Fixed an issue where some players could not acquire the “Means to an End” quest from the Prismatic Recaster.


  • Fixed an issue where Ruinous Effigy could trigger the heal from the Stronghold Titan Exotic armor while blocking with the carry object.
  • Fixed an issue where Umbral stat Focused engrams could provide less than 10 in the selected stat.”

So yes a lot of simple bug fixes here. It will be sad to see the Festering Core Nightfall exploit go as it was an easy way to obtain Exotics and upgrade materials when it was available last time. This exploit was unintended by Bungie though so it was always going to be patched out at some point.

The main point of contention within these patch notes though is the dialing back of the ability to earn Exotic engrams within the Leviathan raid. From the time this hotfix goes live on Tuesday, the weekly limit on Exotic engrams obtained through this raid will be reinstated.

To much of the playerbase the ability to earn a large amount of Exotics did not seem to be problematic as the drops could easily be something you already had and the drops were also limited to Year 1 Exotics.

This farming was simply done to round out a player’s Exotic collection if they were missing a few and maybe also acquire some higher stat rolls of Exotic armor they already had. This was considered a worthy reward for spending a couple of hours grinding out raids.

Many members of the community took to Twitter and Reddit to voice their annoyance over this change.

Destiny 2’s biggest streamer Sean ‘Gladd’ Gallagher tweeted the following: “I do NOT agree with the Leviathan exotic farm nerf. Seems... unnecessary? Especially with such a long season, this was just another thing to do while in this awkward "waiting" period. Why give us toys, but then immediately take them away? Not everyone can farm GMs.”

Another popular streamer by the name of Sweatcicle, known for being a part of raid group who was the World’s First to complete The Last Wish raid, also tweeted his displeasure over the change: “bruh why are we nerfing a farm that already had a really low chance to drop exotics? still had to draw from the whole y1 loot pool to have a CHANCE at a good roll pair of boots or w/e youre farming for. nobody was farming that for xp or eververse engrams.”

With a new hotfix comes some Destiny 2 downtime as servers will need to be taken offline for maintenance and to introduce the patch into the system. Here are the planned maintenance times for this coming Tuesday:

  • 9 AM PDT (1600 UTC): Destiny 2 service maintenance begins.
  • 9:45 AM PDT (1645 UTC): Destiny 2 will be taken offline on all platforms.
  • 10 AM PDT (1700 UTC): Destiny 2 Hotfix begins rolling out across all platforms and regions.
  • 10:01 AM PDT (1701 UTC): Destiny 2 is back online and players can log in.
  • 12 PM PDT (1900 UTC): Destiny 2 service maintenance concludes.


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