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Destiny 2 To Feature Another World's First Race To Celebrate The Return Of Vault Of Glass

Vault Of Glass Returns With New Challenges To Compete In

Ever since it was announced, Guardians have been anxiously awaiting the return of one of the best original Destiny raids, Vault of Glass.

Vault of Glass was the original Destiny raid and has been highly regarded as starting the addiction that comes with the launch of a raid. This launch however will be a little different as VoG will not be a new raid when it lands in Season 14, and as a result Bungie has outlined their ambitious plan in how they will launch a World’s First Race for returning raid.

The most important part of a race is of course it’s date, VoG will launch on May 22nd at 10 am PDT. With less than two weeks after Season 14 starts, players will have their chance to take down Atheon once again.

Because of Bungie’s new leveling system players will only need to be at 1300 Power in order to be at the cap for all of the encounters during Contest Mode. This means that though the race is so close to the start of the season, most players will already be ready for the contest when the Season starts.

Like always, Contest Mode will run for only 24 hours and so in order to obtain a day one completion players will need to finish before Contest Mode is lifted.

For those looking to compete for the World’s First Title, Bungie has a special challenge in store. Since VoG has already been released and played for years, Bungie wanted players to really feel like they earned their title. In the TWAB, Bungie states that the Raid encounters in VoG will be similiar but still slightly refreshed to be up to Destiny 2 playstyle standards. So to accomplish the difficulty that comes with a World's First Race, players will need to first complete the VoG raid, and when done, will activate the Tempo’s Edge Triumph which will need to be fully completed before being crowned victorious.

This Triumph will be a new type of Challenge Mode that will feature different requirements for encounters to be completed. In order to enforce the Triumph’s Requirements in Challenge Mode, your team will wipe every time you fail to complete the conditions of the encounter.

For the new World’s First Team of VoG, Bungie will be sending each player of the winning team a custom belt. This belt will be a little different than those of a new raid, for starters it will be silver instead of gold. This is to indicate the difference in a returning raid versus the challenge of a brand new raid.

Another big change is the belt will pay homage to the original team to be World’s First as it will feature their clan name as the header on the belt.

I personal think this is a sweet reminder to the original team and will help the new team remember those that taught us how to complete VoG to begin with.

Bungie did deliver some disappointing news with the raid, stating that VoG will be locked into a private instance on Venus and players will not be able to explore anywhere beyond it. I was really hoping that Bungie would be able to work VoG into the store with it’s return but so far it seems it will be a one off instance similar to the strikes on the Cosmodrome.

What do you think of the return of VoG? Let me know in the comments or @Suttledge on Twitter.

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