In an exciting Vidoc released this morning, Bungie gave the world a spicy look into what Year 4 Season 12 has to hold. Here are the biggest takeaways I found encapsulated in Forged In The Storm:
We already knew that much of Year 4 was going to be spent on Europa and that we would be working our way towards a fight with the Kell of Darkness herself, Eramis. What we did not know, though, was that we would be spending Season of the Hunt with our old pal Uldren Sov.
That’s right, Uldren Sov is back and he has a cool new nickname, Crow, and he’s working with….Osiris? After two years, we are finally catching back up with Uldren to learn him and Osiris are chasing down Xivu Arath in the Cosmodrome. This looks like it will be solidifying Uldren back into the game in a more permanent role as we fight along side him to expel the Hive next season.
Blue Boy and The Cabals
Speaking of unexpected partnerships, Zavala and The Cabal seem to be working together in some capacity in the upcoming expansion. My guess is that Zaval will work with the Cabal to try and crash into the Pyarmid Ships in true Titan fashion.
Shaw Han and New Light
Bungie dispelled a heavily circulated rumor that Shaw Han was Uldren in the Vidoc by showing us what he looks like below the mask. We also got a closer look into the New Light campaign and details on how similar it will be to the original Destiny experience.
Bungie also revealed the Seasonal Calendar here, which has given us definite dates for the next four months.
The biggest takeaways I found in the calendar is that Bungie will not be overwhelming us on launch day and will be continuing a more drip release approach. Trials will be the immediate weekend following release, giving people with more time a substantial advantage for the first week. Hawkmoon and an unheard-of exotic, Duality, are confirmed for the next Season alongside all of the other exotics we got a look at early this month. ]
Another Raid Look
One of the most exciting moments in the ViDoc for me came from an unmentioned three seconds in the video. We see six Guardians drop in a typical Raid fashion, which gives us our potential first look at the Deep Stone Crypt raid.
I am sure there is even more to unpack here as we get ready for Beyond Light. I am currently getting ready to start the ViDoc for the fifth time even as I write this. All I can say is that it is a good time to be a Guardian.
What did you think of the ViDoc? Let me know in the comments or @Suttledge on Twitter.
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