Destiny 2 The Witch Queen has been off to an unprecedented start compared to previous expansions in the series. From little to no que times to the overwhelmingly positive player reviews, The Witch Queen has proven to be Destiny 2's most successful enjoyable expansion.
However, with new systems comes growing pains, and Destiny's new weapon crafting system certainly has its fair share.

To craft weapons initially you need to unlock their blueprint, Bungie calls these "patterns". But to get these patterns you need to first attune resonance weapons, which are the weapons marked by a red border.
This is proving to be very frustrating for players that are chasing certain weapons though. Across r/DestinyTheGame there are threads highlighting how the resonance weapons from Wellspring just are not dropping consistently for people. While some may get them on their first couple passes, some players are going five or more hours without a single drop of the daily weapon with resonance.
This is especially troublesome because these specific weapons are also needed to unlock the Exotic Glaives as well as complete the investigation quests at the Enclave.

Personally, I love to grind and work to get specific weapons but even I will admit going hours without the drops you want is going to feel bad regardless of who you are. Community Manager DMG did respond to the frustrations shared by content creator RickKackis saying "Team's aware of reports where players are running multiple hours of the activity with minimal Deepsight drops. Once we have information to share, we'll let you know". So it may be that these drops are bugged and dropping far frequently than Bungie was anticipating.
Stay tuned to DestinyTracker as we will update as more is shared about Wellspring and resonance drops!
How have your drops been in Wellspring? Let me know in the comments or @Suttledge on Twitter.
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