We have been getting very lucky with the incredible Blog Posts Bungie has been putting out in the past few weeks. While those have been pretty beefy and filled with changes to come, this TWAB was a little light on future information. However, this week's TWAB did bring about the new spooky armor poll that players will have the chance to vote in, but this time it will be like never before.
In the previous two years, voting was done as an "All or nothing" kind of vote where you either picked Monsters or Dinosaurs. Going forward, Bungie will now be making the theme for both armor sets more in line with each other. This year you will vote between two "creepy crawlies" inspired armor sets. Spiders vs Beetles. But that is not the only change.

Previously you also had to choose one broad armor set as the armor set you wanted. This meant if you liked maybe the Hunter Monster set but also liked the Titan and Warlock Dinosaur set you were out of luck and forced to decide between either or. This time, Bungie is letting you go class-specific, and depending on your most played character class you will get an email that lets you vote for that class's armor set. Bungie will also be putting in a safety net for people who have had trouble getting emails in the past and creating a link where you can vote one time per account. This also means if you have a secondary character you are passionate about voting for you will be able to do that as well (assuming you also got an email).
How this looks on paper is if you are a Hunter Main, you will get an email to vote for the Hunter armor set. If you also have a Warlock you like to play on you will be able to use the voting link to login and vote for the Warlock's armor set. If you haven't been getting Bungie emails you will only be able to vote once by using the link so make sure you check your spam folders if you want to vote twice.
At the end of all the voting, all the votes will be combined and totaled up and theoretically, we could end up with Spider Hunter Armor, Beetle Titan Armor, and Spider Warlock Armor. I'm not saying this is how it should end up... but that is how it should end up.
What armor set will you be voting for? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter @Suttledge