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Five best Titan Exotic guns & gear you should get before Beyond Light

Be sure to have these powerful Exotics in your collection when Beyond Light drops.

Beyond Light is coming later in the year, November 10th to be exact, and with its release you want your Guardian to be as powerful as they can be when diving into the new content.

All of these below Exotics have a great chance to drop from the harder difficulties of the week’s Nightfall:The Ordeal so be sure to farm that if you are a high enough level. Even if you already have some of these Exotics, the Nightfall can be a great way to farm higher stat rolls for them.

Here is a short list, in no particular order, of the five most powerful Titan Exotics that will help you greatly on the frozen moon of Europa.

An Insurmountable Skullfort

An Insurmountable Skullfort is the pinnacle Exotic for Striker Titans and should be used almost 100% of the time while using this subclass, barring some other situational builds you would use from time to time.

This helmet simply has so much raw power packed into it. Arc melee kills not only trigger health regeneration but also completely refill the player’s melee energy allowing for large kill chains.

Skullfort can be used to great effect in combination with the Thundercrash skill tree. The skill ‘Impact Conversion’ grants Super energy with melee kills so the player is able to use Skullfort to Ballistic Slam over and over again to generate a large amount of Super energy. It is entirely possible to clear out large amounts of enemies using nothing but Ballistic Slam and Thundercrash.

The extra damage granted by the Knockout skill from the bottom tree also synergizes really well with this Exotic.

Phoenix Cradle

Phoenix Cradle is one of the newer Titan Exotics aimed at use with the bottom tree Sunbreaker skill tree.

This Exotic causes the benefits granted by standing in or passing through a Sunspot to double in duration from 6 seconds to 12 seconds. These benefits are also granted to any allies which pass through.

These benefits include faster melee recharge, faster grenade recharge, longer Super use times and a 20% increase to all damage dealt. Since Sunspots themselves last approximately 20 seconds this means the above benefits can last over 30 seconds if the player stands within the Sunspot for the entire duration.

This Exotic simply grants a massive bonus to the lethality of the entire Fireteam. Phoenix Cradle is without a doubt the best Exotic to use if you enjoy running bottom tree Sunbreaker.

Doomfang Pauldrons

Doomfang Pauldrons are a set of Exotic Gauntlets that are used with the Sentinel subclass.

This Exotic has everything you would want if you enjoy using the Sentinel Shield Super.

It allows you to gain Super energy very quickly through Void melee kills and allows a large number of shields to be thrown during the Super use time. These shield hits will also extend the duration of the Super.

Doomfang Pauldrons is simply one of the best offensive Exotics for the Sentinel subclass.

Heart of Inmost Light

Heart of Inmost Light is somewhat of an underrated Exotic as its benefits are nothing terribly fancy but it can certainly give a large boost to overall lethality.

The Exotic allows the user to empower two of their abilities by using another ability, i.e. empower their melee and grenade ability by casting their class ability.

For the class ability this ‘empowering’ means increased Barricade hit points, for the melee and grenade abilities this means an extra 30% damage on any empowered casts. Any abilities that have been empowered but are currently on cooldown will also receive increased recharge rate. Regular melee strikes will also empower grenade and class abilities. The empowerment lasts for 10 seconds.

It is possible to Empower x2 but it can only be done with a certain ability order. Since melee is the only ability that will double empower the player needs to lead with a grenade kill then a melee kill to receive the Empower x2 buff.

Hallowfire Heart

Hallowfire Heart is another Titan Exotic that seems to be underrated amongst the community due to it not granting any upfront damage increases. What Hallowfire Heart does do however is an absolutely massive increase in ability regeneration.

Hallowfire Heart grants a small, but still significant, increase to Solar ability regeneration just by wearing the Exotic. This increased ability regeneration is brought up to an obscene level when the player has their Solar Super fully charged. The bonus is so great that it can lead to Solar grenades and melee abilities being on a less than 20 second cooldown.

This essentially more than doubles the rate of ability regeneration. Being able to lob Thermite grenades at an almost constant rate and apply Melting Point to every tanky enemy you come across is an amazing bonus.

This Exotic is by far one of the best for Sunbreaker. If you like bottom tree Phoenix Cradle is the better choice but if you decide to go either of the other skill trees than you cannot go wrong with Hallowfire Heart.


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