In a Twitch broadcast earlier today, Luke Smith has confirmed some big fan theories regarding Beyond Light.
Here are the top three rumors we saw confirmed during the event:
More Darkness Subclasses
Luke Smith stated that this was only the beginning for Darkness subclasses and that we will see more in the future. Whether it is more built around Stasis or if the Darkness will give us new powers is still up for debate, but it is safe to say we will be seeing more than just what comes November 10th.
Content Length
I have always been a fan of how Bungie handles setting expectations. We see it frequently with the TWAB articles and we saw it here today. Luke Smith was honest and stated that the team working on Beyond Light was half the size of the one on Forsaken. As a result, Beyond Light will be bigger than Shadowkeep but still smaller in size compared to Forsaken.
The Transmog system is the most anticipated feature for all Dresstiny fans. It is a known fact that the only thing that gets a Guardian more excited than killing a worm god is picking out what helmet will go with their boots. Though we do not have a set date for when the Transmog system will be implemented, we have received confirmation that it will pull from Collections. This means you can now freely delete all of those armor sets you have been hording in your vault and make room for some of the new equipment launching next season. The only other piece of information I would have liked to get was whether all armor will be included in Transmog or only specific sets. Hopefully we will get more information as we get closer to the launch of the system.
For now the livestream is still ongoing but you can watch the highlights on the channel here.
What did you think of the live stream? What questions do you still have for Luke and the team? Let me know in the comments or @Suttledge on Twitter.
I am live most days on Twitch and you can find me on Twitter talking about Destiny and Coffee.
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