Have you been grinding out Gambit recently for a Bottom Dollar, or maybe the Strikes playlist for a decently rolled Royal Entry, and noticed how the drop rate seems to be extremely low? Combine this with the large amount of perks that can roll on a lot of these playlist exclusive weapons and it can become borderline impossible odds to get the exact roll you are chasing.
Here is a quick list of the weapons you can get from each playlist:
- The Third Axiom - Arc Pulse Rifle (Adaptive)
- Royal Entry - Void Rocket Launcher (Precision)
- Xenoclast IV - Arc Shotgun (Lightweight)
- Frozen Orbit - Void Sniper Rifle (Aggressive)
- The Keening - Arc Sidearm (Adaptive)
- Stars in Shadow - Solar Pulse Rifle (High Impact)
- Bottom Dollar - Void Hand Cannon (Aggressive 120RPM)
- Trinary System - Solar Fusion Rifle (Adaptive)
- Crowd Pleaser - Void Grenade Launcher (Adaptive)

The Destiny Twittersphere has been awash with declarations by players that they have completed 20 or more runs of a certain place without a single weapon drop to show for it. Players are simply beginning to feel unmotivated in farming these activities. To combat this, Bungie has announced in the most recent ‘This Week at Bungie’ blog post that they will soon be deploying a boost to the overall drop rates of these weapons.
In this TWAB, Weapons Feature Lead Chris Proctor gave some insight on Bungie’s thoughts behind these changes and how they plan to change the drop rate going forward. “At the release of Beyond Light, we introduced new weapons into the reward pools of Crucible, Gambit, and Vanguard Strikes. To give a quick rundown for the New Lights out there, each of these weapons has a low drop rate and deep perk pools, intended to give players dedicated to a particular playlist a weapon to hunt,” says Chris.
These new playlist exclusive weapons saw a good amount of positive feedback and so Bungie added in six new weapons to the playlists, two for each. However, Christ admits that they might have missed the mark slightly in how often these weapons drop from playlist completions. Chris continues with “While the drop rates for each individual weapon are not intended to be so high that it’s easy to quickly acquire a large amount of rolls, we’ve been seeing some feedback that they currently feel too scarce. Our current plan is to increase drop chances for these ritual-specific weapons later in Season of the Chosen.”
So far, there is no exact date on when this change would be going live. Bungie Community Manager Dylan ‘dmg04’ Gafner finished off this section of the TWAB by giving one last tidbit of information about these playlist weapons in future Seasons. “Our current plan is to continue adding weapons to these pools in future Seasons. There may be some Seasons where these pools remain the same, and others where a new weapon is added while one is rotated out. This should help keep the offerings streamlined for players on the hunt for a specific reward.” says Gafner.
This confirms that new playlist weapons will not exactly be added into the loot pools every Season and that it is unlikely we will see six added in at once like the current Season. Still, it is good to see that Bungie is committed to switching up these playlist loot pools Season to Season in order to keep things feeling fresh for the player.
Bungie is asking for feedback on the drop rates of these playlist weapons as they continue to tweak them in future Seasons. Be sure to sound off on Twitter or as a reply to this article with your thoughts on the upcoming changes.