Season 12 is on its way out and though Bungie has tuned down the amount of “FOMO” you will have if you don’t fully finish all of the objectives of this season, you will certainly be better prepared for Season 13 if you can complete this quick checklist.
In January 14th’s TWAB Bungie stated that Crubile and Gambit were moving to a new rank up reward system. As a result, all Crucible tokens will be voided and marked useless with the start of Season 13.
To ensure you get the most out of your current Crucible progress, make sure to visit Lord Shaxx and turn in all of your Crucible tokens. The weapon rewards may be daunting to go through but most of the armor is always going to be low stat so you can safely recycle most of it as it drops.
I do highly recommend installing Destiny Item Manager to help with this process. If you turn on “Farming Mode”, DIM will automatically move things into your vault as you earn engrams, this way you don’t have to waste time going back and forth between Shaxx and the Postmaster.
Destination Materials
Destination materials from Vaulted locations are going to be fully scrapped at the beginning of Season 13. If you are holding on to any materials from IO, Mars, Titan or Mercury, now is the time to let them go.
Spider has been a great resource for exchanging these materials for Glimmer and other rewards. Head to him on the Tangled Shore daily for a fresh stock of offerings.
Claim Bounties
Next season, Destiny will be moving more towards a weekly challenge system as opposed to the current Bounty system. Now located in the same section as your Quest Log, Seasonal Challenges will exist to incetive players to achieve higher milestones as the season progresses.

As a result of this new system all bounties will be null and void at the start of Season 13. If you are looking to make extra glimmer or bright dust now is the time to turn them in before they become worthless.
Help Out Crow
Speaking of bounties, though it may be true that Crow is sticking around for Seasons to come, his bounties are on the way out.
Crows Bounties offer great amounts of XP for when you are working on activities that are geared towards the Warden title. These events may be available beyond Season 12, but if you are looking to make the most of your last week consider pursuing some Wrathborn with a few of Crow’s bounties for some extra glimmer.
Rest assured, Season 13 will still feature Crow in his new destination as well as in Spider’s lair at the same time to help fulfill any Season of the Hunt objectives you may still need.
As far as Seasonal Armor and Weapons go you will still be able to claim them from your Season Pass if you have yet to do so. The current season pass and previous is always here on Bungie’s site. There is no immediate rush on these rewards but make sure to grab them before you forget!
What are you most excited for in Season 13? Let me know in the comments or @Suttledge on Twitter.
I am live everyday on Twitch and on Twitter talking about Gaming, Coffee, and more.
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