In games like Destiny 2 that update every few months, a new season is one of the most exciting things players can look forward to. As we kick off the summer, Destiny 2 celebrates the sun and surf with season 21, Season of the Deep. But when can Destiny 2 players dive in and start playing this new season?
What is Destiny 2's Season 21?
Destiny 2's Season 21 is Season of the Deep, which begins May 23rd. Season of the Deep is inspired by the treacherous trenches of the ocean, which you can see in this season's art. Armor with gill-like appendages, floating fins as cloaks and shrouds, Season of the Deep's style is hauntingly beautiful. Any ocean-lover will be a huge fan of the way Season of the Deep coordinates its new weapons, dungeons, and cosmetics.
Related: All Void Machine Guns in Destiny 2 and Where to Find Them
When will Destiny 2 be down for maintenance?
As of right now, Destiny 2 developers expect the May 23rd maintenance to only last from 7 am to 11 am. Therefore, assuming that the Season of the Deep update went smoothly, Destiny 2 should already be up and ready again for players to log in and explore the new content. However, be prepared for some bug fixes and updates to possibly interrupt your gameplay during these first few days of Season of the Deep.
What is Season of the Deep?
Despite the eeriness of Season of the Deep's name, it shouldn't be too much different from typical Destiny 2 gameplay. Most of the changes to this season have to do with balance changes, like re-calibrating subclass stats (particularly Warlock, Hunter, and Titan classes). This balancing effect even spreads to IRL finances, as the season pass will increase from 1000 Silver to 1200 Silver. In real money, this makes the battle pass cost roughly one or two more US dollars.
Related: Destiny 2 Season 21 Exotic Armor Changes: Dev Team Reveals Tuning Preview
Content-wise, Season of the Deep does have some new additions. For example, there will be new exotic weapons, a new dungeon, and also more story content for Lightfall. Destiny 2 developers also will do a bit of revamping of some of the mechanics added to last season, but there won't be much wild new base-game gameplay to adjust to.
How long does a Destiny 2 season last?
Since the beginning of Destiny 2, seasons have lasted anywhere from 70-182 days. However, if you look over the years, Destiny 2 seasons tend to average out at about 90 days (roughly 3 months). So, unless this season is an outlier, it's best to expect that it'll last the whole summer. If the ocean just isn't your style, Destiny 2 season 22 will likely release sometime in September.
If you want to do your best this season, check out useful tools like Tracker Network's Destiny 2 stat tracker. It'll help you reach your full FPS potential.
Up Next: Destiny 2 Season 21 New Class Strand Aspects and Artifact Reveal